The Challenges of Scientists in the Church and Serving the Church

In by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: CSCA’s Montreal chapter presents a discussion about ASA’s 2023 Winter Symposium, hosted by Joseph Vybihal (Computer Science, McGill).

Joseph Vybihal
"The Challenges of Scientists in the Church and Serving the Church"

Friday | 6:30 pm | McConnell Engineering Building (321A), McGill University | Doors open at 6:30 pm for refreshments

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The Challenges of Scientists in the Church and Serving the Church

This meeting will be a public discussion and report on the ASA 2023 Winter Symposium that explored the challenges of scientists serving the church; a recording of that symposium is available here. This will be a great time of sharing, discussing, and reporting. It will be a moderated discussion attempting to explore the ways scientists can serve the church, and the challenges that are inherent. This is open to everyone. Pastors, scientists, congregants, and those who are interested in ways scientists can serve the church are encouraged to attend. Coffee and snacks will be provided. This is an in-person meeting, with no Zoom component.

Joseph Vybihal has been a software engineer and university-level educator since 1990. His research interests have focused on intelligent computer systems, robotics, software engineering and education outreach. He has been an educator at Bishop’s University, Herzing Institute, and McGill University, where he is now. He was awarded best instructor in computer science at McGill in 2010. He runs a private consultancy that has managed and built multiple software engineering projects for institutions (hospitals and universities) and corporations (robotics, factories, financial companies, and property managers). His work experience includes writing software for Bell Northern Research, the Royal Victoria Hospital, and the former CTO of a startup called His education outreach experience includes a published paper in student outreach and the directorship of the McGill Computer Science “Be A Computer Scientist for a Week” weeklong day camp for 12 years. He is co-chair of the McGill Computer Science Undergraduate Committee, and one of the Discipline Officers for the Department of Science of McGill University. He chaired the committee tasked to write the EDI statement for the School of Computer Science at McGill University. He has co-authored two textbooks, Software Systems (Kendall Hunt, 3rd edition 2019) and Fortran, C and Algorithms (Kendall Hunt, 2002). He has published research papers in Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, IEEE’s Frontiers in Education, amongst other venues. Joseph also leads CSCA’s local chapter in Montreal.

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