Patrick & Elena Franklin in Waterloo, When Crisis Hits

In by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: CSCA presents a lecture by Patrick Franklin (CSCA President, Associate Professor of Theology, Tyndale Seminary) and Elena Franklin (Adjunct Instructor, Providence Seminary).

Online Lecture

Patrick & Elena Franklin
"When Crisis Hits: Christian Reflections on Faith in the Midst of Suffering"

Tuesday | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST | Zoom | Registration Required

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When Crisis Hits: Christian Reflections on Faith in the Midst of Suffering

One Story. This is a story of one family thrust into a journey of intense crisis and suffering. And the faithful surrounding of the family of God, the incredible action of the medical community, and the steadfast engagement, faith, and advocacy of a woman for her husband – who had lived his life for others in ethics advising, teaching and ministry and one day awakened to his own body on the precipice of death.

Elena Taliotis Franklin (MDiv) is an Adjunct Instructor at Providence Seminary (Otterburne, MB), retreat leader, and spiritual director. Elena writes online at Caring Bridge (

Patrick S. Franklin (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Theology at Tyndale Seminary (Toronto) and serves as President of the CSCA and as an ethicist and consultant. He is the author of Being Human, Being Church: The Significance of Theological Anthropology for Ecclesiology (Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster, 2016). He is the former Book Review Editor for the ASA’s journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.


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