Think Write Publish: Science & Religion

In Calls for Submissions by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

CSCA folks may be interested to take advantage of this unique opportunity to participate in a writing fellowship focusing on non-fictional narratives that emphasize the compatibility of science and religion.

Communicating Harmonies Between Science & Religion Using Narrative Nonfiction—Through an Innovative, Collaborative Thinking and Writing Program

This is a call for applicants to our flagship program–12, two-year, non-residential narrative writing Fellowships. Fellows will receive travel to 3 all-expense-paid writing workshops around the nation, dedicated mentors and editorial support, exposure of their work at 5 events at science museums in the US and Canada, publishing opportunities, and a $10,000 honorarium.
Recipients of the Think Write Publish Fellowship will develop and write a true story or a series of true stories exploring the harmonies between science and religion. The Fellowship program will not only give Fellows the time and opportunity to craft a publishable story, but will provide them with essential professional guidance and a community of Fellow writers and influential members of the publishing world.
The deadline for applications is May 15, 2016.
The program is based at Arizona State University–Think Write Publish–focused on exploring the intersections between science and religion.

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