Looking Forward to Hayhoe on Faith & Climate Change

In Blogs, Conference Posts by E. Janet WarrenLeave a Comment

I have heard Katharine Hayhoe present twice before and am still excited about hearing her again at our upcoming May conference. Not only is she an engaging speaker, but she is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about climate change, and endeavors to provide non-biased information about its effects on our planet. Katharine, originally from Toronto, is the director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University in Lubbock and the founder of ATMOS research, which provides government, industry, and non-profit organizations with relevant information about climate change. She will be presenting on “Christians, Climate Science, and our Culture,” in which she will educate about climate change, and consider barriers to understanding and shared values that can help us move forward. Check out her “Global Weirding” series on YouTube!

CSCA is holding a conference dealing with science and Christianity in Canada at, and co-hosted by, Trinity Western University, May 11 – 14, 2018. This conference will include Canadians in science, speakers dealing with issues relevant to our theme, and talks on science and Christian faith in general. Info and registration: www.csca.ca/may2018

Katharine’s talk for our conference is part of a special evening gala on May 12, which is also open to the public as a standalone evening event: www.skygala.com

Conference Info.Register Now

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