Penner at TWU, Naturalistic Explanations of Religion

In by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

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TWU Faith & Science Club and the CSCA present a free, public lecture by Myron Penner (Ph.D. Philosophy, Purdue University)

“Science and Naturalistic Explanations of Supernatural Belief”

With Response from CSCA member Dr. Judy Toronchuk (Trinity Western University, Psychology)

Location: Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University

Is belief in God just a form of wish-fulfillment (Freud) or a mirage due to our ability to detect agents at work? Some think that naturalistic explanations for religious beliefs ‘explain God away.’ Others think that science in general and evolution in particular has nothing to offer believers in understanding their faith. Dr. Penner argues that both these views are mistaken–come find out why (bring your questions, ideas, and a friend)!

Myron Penner began working at TWU in 2005. He completed his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Purdue University in 2007. Myron’s primary research areas are epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of religion but also has interests in philosophy of science and twentieth-century analytic philosophy.


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