Conference Announcement
CSCA is holding a conference dealing with science and Christianity in Canada at, and co-hosted by, Trinity Western University, May 11 – 14, 2018. This conference will include Canadians in science, speakers dealing with issues relevant to our theme, and talks on science and Christian faith in general.
The conference, running from Friday dinner through Monday lunch, will include morning devotions and a Sunday morning worship service. For those unable attend the entire conference, single-day tickets are available, and the Saturday evening gala can be attended as a stand-alone event. The conference fees are low to moderate, with discounted on- and off-campus lodging options. Those who also attend the nearby Regent College Pastors’ Conference (May 9-11, ending with lunch) will receive a 25% conference registration discount for both conferences!
Conference Location
- Google Maps (for driving and public transit directions)
- campus map (including driving and public transit directions, hotel information)
Conference Schedule
Conference opens with dinner at 5pm Friday 11 May and ends with lunch at 1:30pm Monday 14 May.
Full Conference Schedule
The full programme booklet (including abstracts) is NOW available.
Schedule at a Glance
Friday evening, 7pm | Plenary: Dennis Danielson |
Saturday morning | Plenary: Santa Ono Breakouts |
Saturday afternoon | Breakouts |
Saturday evening | Sky Gala Janet Danielson Katharine Hayhoe |
Sunday morning | Worship: Mark Glanville preaching Plenary: Richard Middleton |
Sunday afternoon | Breakouts |
Sunday evening | Film + Panel |
Monday morning | Plenary: Robert Mann Breakouts |
Speakers & Topics

Dennis Danielson, Ph.D.
Professor and former Chair, Department of English, University of British Columbia
“Copernicus and the Structure of the Universe”
Debates continue about whether the Scientific Revolution began with the sun-centered cosmology of Nicolaus Copernicus, published in 1543. Was Copernicus a true scientist in the modern sense? What were his chief contributions to what became science? More generally, what effect did he have on our view of the world, and of ourselves? And what was his legacy for scientists who also call themselves Christians? Danielson will argue that Copernicus did indeed offer rich lessons that are still worth pondering today—yet left us with some important unanswered questions.
Dennis Danielson is an intellectual historian and Milton scholar with interests in the history and literature of science. He has received a number of awards for his research and publications, including the Konrad Adenauer Research Prize, awarded jointly by Germany’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Royal Society of Canada. His book The Book of the Cosmos: Imagining the Universe from Heraclitus to Hawking was among’s “Editor’s Choice” top ten science books for the year 2000. Unlike the typical English professor, he has published articles on Copernicus in Scientific American and the American Journal of Physics. (more info).

Janet Danielson, M.F.A.
Lecturer and Instructor, School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University
“Six Pieces of a Reverberant Cosmos”
Danielson was commissioned to write this work for the Isotone Ensemble from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Composed specifically to accompany her husband’s Book of the Cosmos, it is based on six important scientific discoveries and incorporates some decades of research into the use of sound as a model of physical processes. A movement on spectroscopy, Steel, Clay, and Light, for example, translates the frequencies of light taken from NASA spectrographic graphs into pitches. Another movement references physicist Richard Feynman’s famous bongo playing.
The work was premiered in Oak Ridge and subsequently performed in New York’s Symphony Space with an additional percussion player. It will be featured in CSCA’s Sky Gala evening.
Janet Danielson is a composer and music theorist. She has composed for most genres including an opera, The Marvelous History of Mariken of Nimmigen, and orchestrated her work for the Orchid Ensemble and chorus, In the Very Highest Place. She has developed an online Music Fundamentals course, twice nominated for national awards, as well as a text, Basic Organization of Music. She has published articles on women and music, music and the history of technology, and the harmonic basis of linear perspective.
(more info)

Katharine Hayhoe, Ph.D.
Director, Climate Science Center, Texas Tech University
“Christians, Climate Science, and our Culture”
Mounting scientific evidence clearly documents the risks posed by climate change to the poor, the needy, and other vulnerable populations, the very people Christians are called to love. As the scientific evidence builds, however, so does the vocal opposition to this evidence: in Canada, the U.S., Australia and the U.K. Much of the disagreement comes from political and religious conservatives. Why is climate change so polarizing to these communities? What makes it so hard to comprehend and accept? Combining basic tenets of the Christian faith with recent findings from the areas of psychology, sociology, and climate science, I will discuss potential reasons for these disagreements and the role that shared values may play in moving us forward past these barriers.
Originally from Ontario, Katharine Hayhoe is a professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. She is also the founder and CEO of ATMOS Research, working to bridge the gap between scientists and stakeholders to provide relevant, state-of-the-art information on how climate change will affect our lives to a broad range of non-profit, industry and government clients. One of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People (2014), Hayhoe works hard to help the evangelical Christian community to understand climate science (e.g. her Global Weirding series on PBS). In 2015, she contributed to a gala event at UBC’s Chan Centre alongside Preston Manning and Peter and Miranda Harris, founders of A Rocha International. In 2016, she joined President Obama on the White House lawn for the launch of Leonardo Dicaprio’s documentary, Before the Flood. She is currently working on a second edition of her book, A Climate For Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions (forthcoming). (more info)

Robert B. Mann, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics & Astronomy, University of Waterloo
“The Edge: Physics & Theology”
With the recent discoveries of the Higgs boson and gravitational waves, we are at a point in scientific history where our established theory of particle physics and gravitation has been fully confirmed by experiment, with no contradictions outstanding. Further experimental discoveries will therefore force a modification of our present theory. Likewise, there are a number of paradoxical features connected with our present-day theory that have no apparent resolution. This puts us at the edge of knowledge of fundamental physics from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. This talk will review how we arrived at the edge and what it means to push beyond it from both a scientific and a Christian theological perspective.
Robert B. Mann has a B.Sc. in physics from McMaster University and an M.Sc.and Ph.D from the University of Toronto, and he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. Currently a Professor of Physics at the University of Waterloo, he has been a visiting professor at Harvard and Cambridge Universities. At Waterloo, he works on gravitation, quantum physics, and the overlap between these two subjects. He is interested in questions that provide us with information about the foundations of physics, particularly those that could be tested by experiment. Author of over 350 papers, he has received several awards, including a Fulbright Fellowship, Teaching Excellence awards from the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance and from the University of Waterloo, and an Outstanding Referee Award from the American Physical Society. He was chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo from 2001-2008 and is an Affiliate Member of the Perimeter Institute and the Institute for Quantum Computing. He is a past-President of the Canadian Association of Physicists (2009-11), the CSCA (1996-2005), and served on the Advisory Board of the John Templeton Foundation. His research interests are in black holes, cosmology, particle physics, quantum foundations, and quantum information, and the science/religion dialogue. (more info)

J. Richard Middleton, Ph.D.
Professor of Biblical Worldview & Exegesis, Northeastern Seminary (Rochester, NY)
“Human Distinctiveness and the Origin of Evil in Biblical and Evolutionary Perspectives”
How can faithful Christians affirm the distinctive biblical view of humanity in Genesis 1:26-28 as created in God’s image (imago Dei) and yet hold to an evolutionary account of human origins? On the face of it this looks like a difficult, if not impossible, task. Not only does the claim of evolutionary descent seem to contradict the idea of human uniqueness, which is usually associated with the imago Dei, but Genesis 2 recounts God’s creation of an initial human pair, not a large population group, and the Bible makes no reference to earlier human ancestors.Then there is the traditional picture, based on Genesis 3, of the initial human pair forfeiting a primal paradise through a single act of disobedience, which led to the introduction of death for both humans and the natural world. This certainly contradicts what science tells us about human origins and the nature of biological mortality.Middleton will draw on his expertise as an Old Testament scholar to address the question of how we may take seriously the complexity of what Scripture says about the human condition, while fully embracing an evolutionary perspective on Homo sapiens. Could it be possible that these texts, which are certainly not meant to teach science, can prime us theologically—in terms of our worldview—to be open to what evolutionary science tells us about ourselves?
J. Richard Middleton (PhD Free University of Amsterdam) is Professor of Biblical Worldview and Exegesis at Northeastern Seminary (Rochester, NY). He is adjunct professor of Old Testament at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology (Kingston, Jamaica) and is past president of the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association (2011-2014). He holds a B.Th. from Jamaica Theological Seminary and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Guelph in Ontario. Middleton is the author of A New Heaven and a New Earth: Reclaiming Biblical Eschatology (Baker Academic, 2014) and The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1 (Brazos, 2005). He coauthored (with Brian Walsh) The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View (IVP, 1984) and Truth is Stranger than It Used to Be: Biblical Faith in a Postmodern Age (IVP, 1995), and has co-edited (with Garnett Roper) A Kairos Moment for Caribbean Theology: Ecumenical Voices in Dialogue (Pickwick, 2013). He has published articles on creation theology in the Old Testament, the problem of suffering, and the dynamics of human and divine power in biblical narratives. His books have been published in Korean, French, Indonesian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
(more info)

Santa J. Ono, Ph.D.
President & Vice-Chancellor, University of British Columbia
“Science And Faith: Servant Leadership and the Secular University”
Drawing on his own experience as a researcher, academic and senior administrator at the University of Cincinnati and the University of British Columbia, UBC President Santa J. Ono, will discuss how servant leadership can help faith and science co-exist at the modern secular university.
Santa J. Ono is 15th President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia. As a professor of medicine and biology, Ono has worked at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, University College London, and Emory, where he served as faculty advisor for several InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapters. He was the first Asian-American president of the University of Cincinnati when he was appointed in 2012, and he has been inducted by Johns Hopkins into its Society of Scholars. His research areas include the immune system, eye inflammation, and age-related macular degeneration. Ono is deeply committed to diversity and being open about one’s religious beliefs while being respectful to those with differing beliefs. His favourite book is The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief by Francis S. Collins.
(more info)

What can be done to address the enormous issues facing our fragile and threatened planet? Is it possible to live confidently and creatively in the face of massive problems such as pollution and the acidification of the oceans? What hope is there of making peace with creation? Poet and theologian Loren Wilkinson has spent his life thinking, teaching, and campaigning about the environment—or creation, as he prefers to call it. In an era that has seen growing concern about climate change and the impact of industry and technology, he has insisted that this is a critical sphere for Christian thought and action. From their home on Galiano Island, BC, Wilkinson and his wife, Mary-Ruth Wilkinson, have encouraged generations of students to think long and hard about the meaning of creation and of our responsibility as creatures within it. Through personal reflections (set both in the beautiful Gulf Islands where he lives and in the urban context of Vancouver, where he continues to teach), stimulating conversations with leading thinkers, artists and activists, and specially created art work, together with extracts from his poetry, Loren Wilkinson presents his own compelling and beautiful vision for human life in the 21st century. (more info | trailer)
(To be followed by a panel, including Wilkinson.)
Sky Gala
Conference registration includes admission to our Saturday evening “Sky Gala” with Katharine Hayhoe speaking on faith & climate change, a cosmos-themed concert by Janet Danielson and the Isotone Ensemble, and a reception with hors d’oeuvres!
The gala can also be attended by the general public for $30/ticket. Upon registration, conference attendees will receive a discount code that reduces the general public price to $25 (for sharing with others who are not attending the full conference). (Conference attendees do not themselves need to buy tickets for the gala; it is included in their registration.) Dress: business casual.
More information:
Conference Registration
Here is our rate schedule for five different groups of attendees. All meals are included (for admissions purchased before 10 AM PDT on Wed, May 9). Member rates apply to current CSCA and ASA members.
Registrations after 10 AM (Pacific Daylight Time) on Wednesday, May 9, do not include meals.
Lodging registration closes 10 AM (Pacific Daylight Time) on Wednesday, May 9.
valid | regular | CSCA member* |
spouse | full-time student** | single-day | |
early-bird | Feb 1 – Mar 31 | $250 | $200 | $175 | $62.50 | $100 |
regular rate | Apr 1 – Apr 20 | $312.50 | $250 | $218.75 | $75 | $125 |
late | April 21 – May 2 | $375 | $300 | $262.50 | $90 | $125 |
last-minute & at door | May 3 – 14 | $437.50 | $350 | $306.25 | $125 | $150 |
Registration Discounts:
- Spouses of attendees may register at a 30% discount (built into the ticket price shown above).
- Full-time students** may register at a 75% discount (built into the ticket price shown above). However, part-time students, who do not qualify for this price, may still be eligible for our scholarships.
- CSCA/ASA members* access the 20% discounted rate via this link. This will bring to you an ASA member login page and then reveal the discount code.
- Regent Pastors & Leaders Conference (May 9-11) attendees will receive a 25% refund of their registration & meals cost (not lodging) after the conference.
- TWU employees who would otherwise pay the full non-member rate: Please email [email protected] from your TWU email account to obtain your 10% discount code. (CSCA members already receive a 20% discount.)
*CSCA & ASA Members. Includes Student Members who are not full-time students in at least one semester during 2018.
**Full-time students are those who are full-time in at least one semester during 2018. It does not include postdoctoral research fellows (who are sometimes regarded as “students” in university systems).
Cancellation: Full Refunds (for conference and/or lodging) up to March 30. April 1 – 22 refunds with a $50 processing fee. After April 22 the fee is $100.
Conference Lodging
On-campus options
On-campus lodging registration closes 10 AM (Pacific Daylight Time) on Wednesday, May 9.
- Dorms in Robson Hall at TWU have been set aside for our use. Each room has two twin-sized beds, and each pair of rooms shares a bathroom. Seven or eight rooms share a lounge area.
- Double occupancy will be shared by gender, and shared bathrooms will be shared by gender; married couples will share bathrooms with married couples.
- Rates are $60/person per night based on double occupancy or $87/person per night based on single occupancy.
- Checkout time is 2 pm for on-campus lodging.
- Note: On-campus lodging rates will increase by $10/night after April 20.
- No alcohol is permitted on campus.
- No smoking is permitted on campus.
- Staying in your RV on campus overnight is not permitted.
Robson Hall is a three-storey residence with beautifully furnished double occupancy rooms and six modern, comfortable community lounges (two on each floor). Every two adjacent bedrooms share one bathroom. Elevator service is available in Robson Hall.
Robson Hall - TWU Campus
Amenities inside each room:
- two twin size beds
- two dressers
- two closets
- two built-in desks/desk lamps
- two chairs
- fridge
- sink
Amenities in each bathroom (shared between rooms):
- shower
- toilet
Amenities in each community lounge:
- couches
- coffee tables
- dining tables/chairs
- fridges
- large island with sinks
There are many hotels within a ten-minute drive of TWU.
- TWU rates on preferred hotels
- Additional secured conference rates
- Best Western Plus, 5978 Glover Road, Langley: Two-queen, one-queen, and possibly one-king rooms available May 9-16 ($129 for Fri & Sat nights, otherwise $119; 15% tax not included). On direct Translink route to TWU (15 minute trip). Mention CSCA 2018 when you call 1-888-530-9311 by April 11; 3-day cancellation policy.
- Sandman & Sandman Signature hotels: Use this link to access preferred rates, starting at $101, or mention CSCA 2018 when calling.
- Sandman Hotel Langley, 8855 202 St, Langley, BC. 4 minute walk from direct 25-minute Translink route to TWU; (604) 888-7263
- Sandman Signature, 8828 201 St, Langley, BC. 10 minute walk from direct 25-minute Translink route to TWU; (604) 455-7263
Getting Here
- YXX Abbotsford (20 minute drive, no public transit, ground transportation)
- For Friday 11 May, we have hired Valley Airporter Shuttle for 9:30am, 2:00pm, and 4:50pm runs. You must contact us beforehand to be included in this.
- YVR Vancouver (55 to 90 minute drive, 2+ hours by public transit, ground transportation)
- If using public transit, be sure to use the “Leave now” (“Depart at…” on mobile) drop-down menu to adjust the depart time to match your schedule.
- SEA Seattle-Tacoma, Washington, USA (2.5 to 3.5 hour drive, 7+ hours by public transit, ground transportation)
- International travellers, ensure you are aware of passport requirements for entering Canada and returning home!
Public Transit
- TWU is served by BC Transit. Use Google Maps to plan your trip.
- Paid parking is readily available all across campus, $7.50/day. Discounted parking permits at $4.00/day are available with your registration.
Conference Code of Conduct
The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation (CSCA) is committed to providing an open, respectful, and welcoming forum for different perspectives on the relationship between Christianity with mainstream science. Not only is this crucial to understanding each other and working toward our best recognition of the truth, but it is in accordance with Holy Scripture to listen to each other’s view before giving an answer (Proverbs 18:13). We believe in treating the ideas of others as we would want our own ideas to be treated.
CSCA requires that all conference participants, including attendees, session moderators, conference staff, volunteers, and all other stakeholders will conduct themselves in a professional manner that is welcoming to and respectful of all participants. This allows for a collegial, inclusive, supportive, and professional environment, enabling productive science-faith discourse.
Participants will avoid any inappropriate actions or statements based on individual characteristics. Disruptive or harassing behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate or intimidating behaviour and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted touching or attention, offensive images, and stalking.
Presenters must not be interrupted, and questions must be brief and respectful of the speaker and audience. All participants must have equal opportunities to be involved. Session moderators have the authority to ensure this takes place.
Violations of this code of conduct should be reported to the conference staff. Sanctions may range from verbal warning, to ejection from the conference without refund, to notifying appropriate authorities. Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated. If a participant observes inappropriate comments or actions, and personal intervention seems appropriate and safe, they should be considerate of all parties before intervening.
Visa Information
If you are coming from a country which requires a visa (see this list), you must:
- register and pay for the conference
- send us an email requesting a letter of invitation. This must include a link to an institutional website (church, university, company) which we can use to confirm your position
You can then use this letter as part of your application for a visa from the Canadian embassy or consulate in your country.
Conference Scholarships
CSCA is happy to offer a number of scholarships (registration, lodging, & travel) of up to $1,600 each for full- or part-time Canadian students to attend our conference. For more information, see
Conference Sponsors

Conference FAQ
Can we bring kids? What if my spouse wants to stay on campus but not attend the conference itself?
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Can we buy (or change) on-campus lodging after we've already registered?
What is your refund/cancellation policy?
I am a CSCA / ASA member, how I get my discount?
Help Promote Our Conference!
Exhibition Booths at CSCA 2018
Exhibitor fees, schedule, and guidelines: PDF Download.

Dennis Danielson, PH.D.
“Copernicus & the Structure of the Universe”
Janet Danielson, M.F.A.
“Six Pieces of a Reverberant
Katharine Hayhoe
Hayhoe, Ph.D.
“Christians, Climate Science, and our Culture”
Robert B.
Robert B. Mann, Ph.D.
UNIVERSITY of Waterloo
“The Edge: Physics & Theology”
J. Richard
J. Richard Middleton, Ph.D.
“Human Distinctiveness and the Origin of Evil in Biblical and Evolutionary Perspectives”
Santa J.
Santa J. Ono, Ph.D.
“Science And Faith: Servant Leadership and the Secular University”