McGrath-Shermer Live-Stream at Acadia Div

In by Mark McEwan

Event Details

The MacRae Centre for Christian Faith and Culture of Acadia Divinity College and the CSCA present a live-stream of a dialogue between Alister McGrath and Michael Shermer, streamed from our CSCA Toronto chapter.


Location: Acadia Divinity College, 38 Horton Ave, Wolfville, NS

The event being broadcast from Convocation Hall of the University of Toronto will feature Alister McGrath (Oxford professor, scientist, theologian, Christian apologist), and Michael Shermer (author, professor, columnist, skeptic),  and will be moderated by Karen Stiller, senior editor, Faith Today.

This event is being hosted by The Religion and Society Series, and is brought to you by Wycliffe CollegeFaith TodayCanadian Scientific & Christian AffiliationPower to Change, RZIMCentre for Inquiry CanadaNetwork of Christian Scholars, and UTSA.

Our dialogue brings together two leading thinkers who have thoughtfully wrestled with this question, each not only having embarked on a personal pilgrimage, but each bringing a lifetime of erudition, experience, and insights to bear on this theme. Alister McGrath, the atheist who would become a theist, and Michael Shermer, the theist who would become an atheist. Join us at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto or live on YouTube for what will surely be one of the most engaging two hours of thoughtful dialogue on one of history’s greatest questions. The event will be moderated by Karen Stiller, senior editor of Faith Today.

Join us as we host a live stream of the debate. (Source)