40th Anniversary!

In Blogs, News by James Peterson

Forty years. A biblical generation. That is long enough to be clear that no one individual has carried the CSCA. The only persons that have been at the centre all the way through have been the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For our Lord’s calling, work, and encouragement we are thankful.

To mark the occasion of our 40th anniversary, the CSCA Executive Council has produced a special newsletter. As we reflect in this newsletter on those forty years, we have the privilege of hearing from Dan Osmond, one of our three signing founders. He served ably on the Council for over thirty years. In his piece he describes the milieu when CSCA was founded. It was a time when Canada celebrated its centennial, hosted Expo 67, and repatriated its constitution from Britain. There was a sense of “coming of age” and taking responsibility as a country. That impetus was spurred further by new income tax laws that donations would only be recognized if they were to a Canadian organization. It was time to form the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation from the American Scientific Affiliation as a voice along side the ASA. ASA could not have been more gracious over the years in sharing expertise and resources with its continental ally. In his contribution to this newsletter, the executive director of ASA, Randy Isaac, reminds us of that continued close teamwork.

Our 40th anniversary newsletter, edited by Bob Geddes, includes a foreword by James Peterson, a historical piece Don McNally, brief book reviews by Bob Geddes and Arnold Sikkema, notices of books recently published by two CSCA membes, a contribution from Bethany Sollereder, and preview of the 2014 annual meeting of the ASA, CiS, and CSCA.

Forty years. We are still here and as our Lord tarries, we can look forward to the next forty. May they be as collegial, fruitful, and enduring as the last!

Read the newsletter here! Or click on the “40th Anniversary” tab or icon above.