From Cosmos to Psyche: Call for Abstracts

In Calls for Submissions, News by Arnold Sikkema

Please visit the main conference website for information and registration.
(The call for abstracts was closed at the end of February.)

ASA CSCA CiS 2014 Annual Meeting
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
July 25–28, 2014

A Message from Program Chair Robert Mann

“All things hold together in Christ” is a phrase that speaks to the integration of God’s love, justice, and intelligibility in the person of Jesus. At this annual meeting, we want to explore how the various scientific disciplines hold together with both scientific and theological integrity. Our goal at this annual meeting is to explore this across the breadth of the sciences, from cosmos to psyche.

Our topical areas for parallel oral sessions are as follows:

  • Physical Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy – Chair: Colin Humphreys
    • Exploring the latest results in the relationship between the physical sciences and Christian theology.
  • Life Sciences: Biology, Medicine, Bioethics – Chair: Patricia Fitzgerald-Bocarsly
    • Going beyond the traditional creation/evolution dialogue to examine how current research informs and is informed by Christian faith.
  • Mind Sciences: Psychology, Neuroscience, Psychiatry – Chair: Heather Looy
    • How do these sciences enable us to understand the renewal of our minds with the mind of Christ?
  • Environmental Sciences: Ecology, Geology, Meteorology/Climate – Chair: Don Morton
    • What are appropriate ways for these disciplines to facilitate our roles as stewards of the earth?
  • Christian Women in Science and EngineeringChair: Gayle Ermer
    • Considering methods for increasing the participation of Christian women in STEM fields and that describe means by which that participation benefits society and brings glory to God.
  • Emergence: Information Theory, Complexity, Theology – Chair: Arnold Sikkema
    • Bringing together the broad range of scientific disciplines to understand how higher-level phenomena emerge.
  • Science and Technology in Service of the PoorChair: Michael Clifford
    • Appropriate technology and economic development; health and medical care in developing countries; response to natural disasters.
  • Other Topics
    • Any issue relevant to science and Christian faith including experiences in education or dialog, communication of ideas, biblical interpretation, theological implications, etc.


Confirmed Plenary Speakers: Best, Coles, Netterfield, Page, Schloss

  • Megan Best, MD (Bioethicist, Palliative Care Physician, Australia): “Brave New World” (Friday evening lecture open to the public)
  • Rev Alasdair Coles, PhD, Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences, Cambridge University, UK: “Brain, Soul and Psyche: Embodied and in Christ”
  • Barth Netterfield, PhD (Director of Balloon Astrophysics Research Group, Depts. of Astronomy and of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada): title TBA
  • Don Page, PhD (Dept. of Physics, University of Alberta, Canada): “The Optimal Argument for the Existence of God”
  • Jeffrey Schloss, PhD (Distinguished Professor and T.B. Walker Chair of Biology, Westmont College, USA): “Evolution, Moral Cognition, and the Question of Human Exceptionalism”