Call for Papers: Didaskalia

In Calls for Submissions, News by Arnold Sikkema

Patrick Franklin, editor of Didaskalia and coordinating book review editor of PSCF

Dear fellow CSCA members,

In addition to serving as the Coordinating Book Review Editor of PSCF, I also serve as the Editor of Didaskalia, which is the peer reviewed theological journal of Providence University College and Theological Seminary. The theme for our Spring 2016 issue is something that I believe will be of interest to you, namely Christ Centered Education. We are inviting essays that address the question: What does it mean to be a Christian scholar and teacher? We are anticipating a variety of perspectives on this, as contributors reflect contextually (i.e., within their own field, discipline, setting/type of institution, etc.) about what it means for them to integrate their faith and their vocation. To that end, I invite interested CSCA members to submit an article that addresses this theme as it relates to your field of expertise and/or your teaching vocation.

Here is the official call for papers and submission instructions:

Call for Papers: Disdaskalia

The theme for the Spring 2016 issue of Didaskalia is Christ Centered EducationDidaskalia welcomes the submission of quality papers that address this theme as it relates to the author’s own field of research and/or teaching expertise and experience. From your perspective, as you reflect on your own academic discipline, what does it mean to be a Christian scholar? What does it mean to be a Christian teacher in an institution of higher education? How do you understand the nature and function of theological integration with respect to your own field of study, writing, teaching, and service? Papers that address these and/or other relevant questions are most welcome.

Articles should run approximately 5000-8000 words in length, be written according to style guidelines set forth in Turabian / Chicago Manual of Style, and use footnotes rather than endnotes.

Submissions are due March 1, 2016. Please send your submission to Patrick Franklin, Editor: [email protected]

Didaskalia is Providence Theological Seminary’s peer reviewed academic journal. Guided by the principle of interdisciplinary theological reflection for the church, Didaskalia is published annually, with issues featuring articles and book reviews of significance for an ecclesial and academic audience.

Didaskalia is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database® and included in ATLASerials® (ATLAS®), an on-line collection of major religion and theology journals, published by the American Theological Library Association. 300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL, 60606.

For more information, see Didaskalia’s web page.

Warm Regards,
Patrick Franklin