PSCF, June 2016: Canadian Contributions

In News, Resources by Arnold Sikkema

The June 2016 issue of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the ASA and CSCA, has arrived in Canadian mailboxes. As is often the case, there are a good number of Canadian contributions to this issue, which we highlight below. If you are not yet a member of CSCA, the journal may be available in an academic library near you.

Canadian Contributions to PSCF 68, no. 2 (June 2016)

CSCA Past President and PSCF Editor James C. Peterson opens the issue with a brief editorial about its theme, entitled “Natural evil and the love of God.” This is followed by Canadians writing two of the four main articles and three of the nine book reviews. Of course there are other valuable articles, communications, and reviews, but we are highlighting these below for their “Canadian content.”


  • John R. Wood (The King’s University in Edmonton, AB and an ASA executive council member): “An ecological perspective on the role of death in creation”
  • Bethany Sollereder (Oxford, and former student and early career representative on the CSCA executive council): “Evolution, suffering, and the creative love of God”

Book Reviews

  • Derek Schuurman (Redeemer College, Ancaster, ON) on Mapping your academic career: Charting the course of a professor’s life by Gary Burge
  • Hendrik van der Breggen (Providence University College, Otterburne, MB) on Beyond the abortion wars: A way forward for a new generation by Charles Camosy
  • James J. Rusthoven (McMaster emeritus professor of oncology) on Christian bioethics: A guide for pastors, health care professionals, and families