Looking Forward to Venema at CSCA 2018

In Blogs, Conference Posts by Tim Opperman

Single-day Saturday admission ($125 until Apr 27) includes:
– all conference sessions that day
– breakfast, lunch, and dinner
– PLUS admission our special evening “Sky Gala” with Katharine Hayhoe, live music, and a reception with hors d’oeuvres. Register now

I am really excited about hearing Dennis Venema speak at the upcoming conference on May 11th-14th. He has a particular talent for explaining complicated topics in the areas of genetics and biology in an engaging and informative way. I have personally benefited from listening to his talks on the biological evidence for evolution and cannot recommend his recent book enough. Co-authored with New Testament professor Scot McKnight, Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture After Genetic Science is a brilliant example of the interplay between science and faith. He has also contributed a great many blog posts to Biologos. On May 12, Dennis will be speaking on home turf, as he is the professor of biology at Trinity Western University where he researches the genetics of pattern formation and signalling using the common fruit fly as the model organism. I am looking forward to hearing what he has to say about “Human Origins and the Species Problem.” Come check it out!

Our upcoming national conference (May 11-14) features a number of plenary and contributed talks that either directly deal with origins or treat issues that are closely related. In particular, our breakout schedule includes many more talks relating to origins to varying degrees:

Saturday, May 12:

  • Dennis Venema – Human Origins and the Species Problem
  • Ben McFarland – Chemistry and Creativity in the Cambrian Explosion
  • Paul Brown – Using the Unknown in Science – Evolution, Design, and God of the Gaps
  • Alan Dickin – A Biblical Account of Origins Should Also Explain the Origins of the Biblical Account (May 12)
  • Paul Yang – Was the Grand Canyon Really Formed by Noah’s Flood? (May 12)
  • Paul Chamberlain – Naturalism: Obstacle or Benefit to Christians Working in Science?

Sunday, May 13

  • J. Richard Middleton (Plenary Session) – Human Distinctiveness and the Origin of Evil in Biblical and Evolutionary Perspectives
  • Tim Opperman – The Evolutionary Emergence of Morality: A Non-Concordist Approach to the Doctrine of Original Sin
  • Richard Johns – Is Evolution a Physical Process? 
  • Chris Polachic & John Hau – Evangelism Through the Narrative of Human Evolution in Canadian Campus Ministry
  • Dirk Büchner – The Bible and Human Origins: Cain’s Story as a Test Case
  • Rob Hiebert – Can You Get to Eden from Jurassic Park (or Vice Versa)?: Reading Biblical Creation Texts Responsibly

See the full talk schedule for list of all talks.

The single-day price of $125 is in effect until April 27. Single-day Saturday admission includes all conference sessions that day, as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner–and it includes admission to our special evening gala with Katharine Hayhoe, live music, and a reception with hors d’oeuvres. Register now

CSCA is holding a conference dealing with science and Christianity in Canada at, and co-hosted by, Trinity Western University, May 11 – 14, 2018. This conference will include Canadians in science, speakers dealing with issues relevant to our theme, and talks on science and Christian faith in general. Info and registration: www.csca.ca/may2018

Our special evening “Sky Gala” on May 12 is included with conference admission, but it is also open to the public as a standalone evening event for $30: www.skygala.com

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