ASA 2018 Live-Streams

In Blogs by Mark McEwan

Unable to join us for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (and CSCA)? Watch the live stream this weekend here:

Events scheduled for live-streaming: (all times are Eastern Daylight Time)

Friday, July 27: 7:00 PM – Opening Session
Friday, July 27: 7:30 PM – Douglas Lauffenburger, “Humanizing Therapeutics Discovery”
Saturday, July 28: 8:45 AM – Nigel M. De S. Cameron, “A Human Century?”
Saturday, July 28: 7:30 PM – Francis S. Collins “The Joyful Complementarity of Science and Faith”
Sunday, July 29: 11:00 AM – Noreen Herzfeld, “Cybernetic Enhancement and the Problem of the Self”
Sunday, July 29: 8:15 PM – State of the ASA
Monday, July 30: 8:45 AM – Jeffrey P. Schloss, “The Question of Purpose in the Living World: Does Evolution ‘Lead to Love’?”