October Conference with CATA

In Blogs by Janet Warren

Biblical scholar Richard Middleton, one of the plenary speakers at “From Sea to Sea to Sky,” (see his lecture entitled “Human Distinctiveness and the Origin of Evil” here) is the conference liaison for the Canadian-American Theological Association (CATA; http://cata-catr.com). He liked our conference so much that he was inspired to make the science-faith dialogue a theme for CATA’s next conference, with the CSCA as a co-sponsor (along with ASA, BioLogos, and Northeastern Seminary). 

CATA was originally CETA (the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association)—beware of acronym overload syndrome! Formed in 1990, CETA has always been ecumenical, with a focus on deep engagement with theology and biblical interpretation as well as church renewal. However, as the organization became broader, with many members south of the border, the name was changed to CATA. The organization remains evangelically rooted, and holds conferences bi-annually: in the Spring, in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and, since 2012, in the Fall. CATA also publishes a peer-reviewed journal twice a year, The Canadian-American Theological Review.

Registration is now open for this upcoming conference, October 25–26, at Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, NY, titled, God’s Wisdom and the Wonder of Creation: Exploring the Intersection of Scripture, Theology, and the Sciences. The plenary speaker is Old Testament professor, William P. Brown, whose talks are entitled, “From Ardi to Adam: The Garden and Human Origins,” and “Job, Astrobiology, and the Science of Awe.” Hope to see many of you there!