Deadline: January 15 31, 2018 [extended!]

From Sea to Sea … to Sky!
Science and Christianity in Canada
May 11-14, 2018

The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation invites submissions of abstracts for our upcoming May 2018 conference, “From Sea to Sea … to Sky! Science and Christianity in Canada.” It will be held at and co-hosted by Trinity Western University in Langley, BC (near Vancouver).

Featured plenary presentations are

  • Dennis Danielson (“Copernicus & the Structure of the Universe”)
  • Janet Danielson (“Six Pieces of a Reverberant Cosmos”)
  • Katharine Hayhoe (on Faith & Climate Change)
  • Robert Mann (on Physics & Theology)
  • Richard Middleton (on Genesis & Evolution)
  • Santa Ono (on Science & Faith and Public Leadership)

The conference is supported by the Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc., under a grant to the CSCA for our Local Chapters Project.


This conference aims to address science and Christianity in Canada. This is interpreted broadly to include science and Christianity in Canada, Canadians in science, and talks on science and Christian faith in general. While we do hope that at least some of the talks given will recognise our national context, it is not necessary for every submission to have specific (or contrived) Canadian content. (For example, a geology talk might include some focus on Canadian geology while making a broader point about science & Christianity in general.)


We expect conference attendees to include specialised scholars in science and religion, disciplinary experts, interdisciplinary scholars, pastors, teachers, students, and interested laypersons.


We welcome papers from scholars and practitioners (Canadians as well as others) working in any area that relates to questions of science and faith, including physics, sociology, chemistry, history, biblical studies, philosophy, apologetics, mathematics, religious studies, health sciences, psychology, economics, biology, theology, literature, environmental science, and political studies. Quality submissions from students, learned laypersons, and independent scholars are also welcome. Submissions should have some interdisciplinary appeal, and can be targeted to either a scholarly or public audience.


Depending on the number and quality of submissions, there will be up to three concurrent sessions. Contributed presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes for Q&A.

Submission Procedure

Submit your abstract of up to 250 words, along with a current CV and references to two recent publications relevant to your presentation, to Mark McEwan ( by January 15 31, 2018. (Abstracts submitted by December 15, 2017 may receive early approval.) After anonymous peer-review, those chosen to present will be informed no later than the end of February. Co-authored presentations are welcome. Questions can be directed to the Program Chair, Arnold Sikkema:


Speakers will function according to the ethos of CSCA / ASA concerning respectful dialogue amidst disagreement.

As an organization, the CSCA does not take a position when there is honest disagreement between Christians on an issue. What we are committed to provide is an open, respectful, and welcoming forum for different perspectives on the relationship between Christianity with mainstream science. We believe that this environment is crucial to understanding each other and working toward our best recognition of the truth.

For more information, see “Our Approach” at

Conference Committee

  • Arnold Sikkema (chair), Professor of Physics, Trinity Western University; CSCA past president & leader of Local Chapters Project
  • Mark McEwan (secretary), Project Development Officer, CSCA
  • Kathy Belicki, Professor of Psychology and co-founder of Forgiveness Research Group, Brock University
  • Dirk Büchner, Professor of Biblical Studies, TWU
  • Barry Pointon, Professor of Physics, British Columbia Institute of Technology, also affiliated with TRIUMF and TWU
  • Judy Toronchuk, Professor of Biology and Psychology (retired), TWU
  • Janet Warren, CSCA president, family physician & independent scholar

This project / publication was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc.