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New Student & Early Career Member

In Blogs, News by Janet Warren

 The CSCA would like to welcome Timothy Opperman as our new student and early-career representative on our Executive Council. Tim currently lives in Vancouver where he recently attained an MA in theological studies with an interdisciplinary concentration from Regent College. His master’s thesis was on an evolutionary creationist approach to original sin. Tim has long had an interest in the relationship between science and religion. He is originally from Edmonton and completed his BA in cultural anthropology, with a minor in philosophy, at the University of Alberta. Tim has also worked as an English teacher, in Vancouver and Taiwan, and has …


In Press Releases by Mark McEwan

Click here for a PDF version of this press release. Is God a Figment of Our Imagination? On September 15, 2017 at 7:30 p.m., individuals, groups, and organizations large and small will have the opportunity to think about this heady question and others like it by participating in a free, live-streamed event featuring two world-renowned scholars who will share their thoughts on whether or not God is a figment of the imagination. Alister McGrath – the British atheist who became a theist, and Michael Shermer, the American theist who became an atheist – are coming to the University of Toronto’s Convocation …

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Scholarship Reflection: Andrew Reeves

In Blogs, Scholarship Reflections by Andrew Reeves

On May 13th, 2017, Andrew Reeves (University of Waterloo, M.Sc. Physics: Astrophysics and Gravitation Candidate) attended “Playing God? Research, Ethics, and Practice in Modern Medicine,” a conference held by Christians in Science (CiS), our UK partner. As a part of his trip, he also arranged to attend a series of other events, including two talks by J. Richard Middleton, entitled “Human Distinctiveness and the Origin of Evil in Biblical and Evolutionary Perspective” and “A New Heaven and a New Earth”–as well as talks by Gavin Merrifield and Sir John Lennox. 

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Scholarship Reflection: Victoria McKinnon

In Blogs, Scholarship Reflections by Victoria McKinnon

Victoria McKinnon (McMaster University, MD Program) attended “A Postsecular Age? New Narratives of Religion, Science, and Society”–a conference held by the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science & Religion. (July 27-30, 2016, St. Anne’s College, Oxford, UK.)  The purpose of this year’s Ian Ramsey Centre conference was to investigate the interdisciplinary subfield of secularism studies and its implications.

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Scholarship Reflection: Dayna Nelson

In Blogs, Scholarship Reflections by Dayna Nelson

Dayna Nelson (B.A. cand., University of Waterloo) attended the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (July 22 – 25, 2016, Azusa Pacific University). ASA 2016 was a fantastic success, and it was my favourite of the conferences I’ve attended so far. The theme “Brain, Mind and Faith” was of particular interest to me because it focused on the interplay between psychology and religion–topics that are normally handled separately in my studies.

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Thoughts on “Is Genesis History?”

In Blogs by Bob Geddes

I will be dating myself here: many, many years ago, actor Lily Tomlin, a master of many comedic roles, would portray a precocious five-year old girl named Edith Ann. Sitting in a vastly oversized chair, she would regale listeners with stories about her daily adventures, which often included her dog Buster. She would end each segment by saying “And that’s the truth,”

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Scholarship Reflection: Timothy Opperman

In Blogs, Scholarship Reflections by Timothy Opperman

Timothy Opperman (Regent College, Vancouver) attended the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (July 22 – 25, 2016, Azusa Pacific University). I had a fantastic time attending the annual conference of the American Scientific Affiliation, and I felt particularly fortunate that my first time was the 75 Anniversary of the ASA.


In Press Releases by Mark McEwan

Click here for a PDF version of this press release. PUBLIC TALK ON ADAM AND THE GENOME: INTERSECTION OF CHRISTIAN FAITH AND GENOMIC EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION The beliefs of many Christians today are being challenged by genomic evidence of human evolution. On February 21, Dr. Dennis Venema, Biology professor at Trinity Western University in Langley, BC, and Dr. Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois, will explore this provocative topic at a free public talk in Langley. One of the traditional, core Christian beliefs is that humans are direct, supernatural creations descended uniquely from a single …

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ASA 2017 Call for Abstracts

In Blogs by Mark McEwan

CSCA members are encouraged to submit abstract for this year’s annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (July 28–31, 2017 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado). ABSTRACT DEADLINE: February 15, 2017 This year’s meeting theme is “Exploring New Heights for Science & Stewardship,” and it will also feature the latest research in other areas of physical, biological, and agricultural sciences, and engineering and technology education relating to the theme. Scholarships ASA Scholarships: A number of members have graciously provided funding for a limited number of scholarships. Scholarships are available to early career and student ASA members on a first-come, …