Books by CSCA Members

The following is a list of books written by CSCA members that are relevant to science and/or science-and-faith. This list is curated by Patrick Franklin ([email protected]), our President and former Book Review Editor of our CSCA/ASA peer-reviewed journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. Many of these books have been reviewed in Perspectives.

While the specific views and positions of the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the CSCA (read more about our approach), they do collectively show that there are a number of committed Christians doing quality work in the sciences in Canada and/or writing directly on matters where science and faith intersect.

If you are a member and have a book that you believe belongs on this list, please suggest it to Patrick. In general, submissions should be quality works either in the field of science-and-faith, clearly related to science-and-faith, or works of science written by a Christian; most importantly, these works must be compatible with our ethos. In certain cases, Patrick may request that a copy of the book be sent in for review. (CSCA does not guarantee that every submitted book will be listed; CSCA reserves the right to list, or not list, submissions at our sole discretion.)

(with W. Malcolm and N. DeCourville)

Women’s Perspectives on the Complexities of Forgiveness
New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge, 2008.


A Reasonable God:
Ordinary Action in a Supernatural World

Saskatoon, SK: Hytec, 2011.

(forward by Darrel Falk)

Evolving Certainties:
Resolving Conflict at the Intersection of Faith and Science

Kindle Direct Publishing, 2018.

Patrick S.

Being Human, Being Church:
The Significance of Theological Anthropology for Ecclesiology

Milton Keynes, England: Paternoster, 2016.

Luke J.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:
Genesis and Human Origins

Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016.

Denis O.

Darwinism Defeated?
The Johnson-Lamoureux Debate on Biological Origins

Vancouver, BC: Regent College Publishing, 1999.

Denis O.

Evolutionary Creation:
A Christian Approach to Evolution

Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009.

Denis O.

I Love Jesus and I Accept Evolution
Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009.

Denis O.
(with John H. Walton, C. John Collins, William D. Barrick, Gregory A. Boyd, and Philip G. Ryken)

Four Views on the Historical Adam
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2013.

Denis O.

Scripture and Nature Say Yes!

Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2016.

Denis O.

The Bible & Ancient Science:
Principles of Interpretation

Tullahoma, TN: McGahan Publishing House, 2020.

Robert B.

An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model
Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2010.

Robert B.

Black Holes:
Thermodynamics, Information, and Firewalls

Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2015.

James C.

Genetic Turning Points:
The Ethics of Human Genetic Intervention

Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001.

James C.

Changing Human Nature:
Ecology, Ethics, Genes, and God

Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010.

(with Dennis R. Venema)

Biology, Religion, and Philosophy:
An Introduction

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

Derek C.

Shaping a Digital World:
Faith, Culture and Computer Technology

Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2012.

(with Angela Reitsma Bick)

Blessed are the Undone:
Testimonies of the Quiet Deconstruction of Faith in Canada

Saskatoon: New Leaf, 2024.

Van Brummelen

The Doctrine of Triangles:
A History of Modern Trigonometry

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021.

Dennis R.
(with Scot McKnight)

Adam and the Genome:
Reading Scripture after Genetic Science

Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2017.

Dennis R.
(with Michael Peterson)

Biology, Religion, and Philosophy:
An Introduction

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021.