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Scholarship Reflection: Dayna Nelson

In Blogs, Scholarship Reflections by Dayna Nelson

Dayna Nelson (B.A. cand., University of Waterloo) attended the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (July 22 – 25, 2016, Azusa Pacific University). ASA 2016 was a fantastic success, and it was my favourite of the conferences I’ve attended so far. The theme “Brain, Mind and Faith” was of particular interest to me because it focused on the interplay between psychology and religion–topics that are normally handled separately in my studies.

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Thoughts on “Is Genesis History?”

In Blogs by Bob Geddes

I will be dating myself here: many, many years ago, actor Lily Tomlin, a master of many comedic roles, would portray a precocious five-year old girl named Edith Ann. Sitting in a vastly oversized chair, she would regale listeners with stories about her daily adventures, which often included her dog Buster. She would end each segment by saying “And that’s the truth,”

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Scholarship Reflection: Timothy Opperman

In Blogs, Scholarship Reflections by Timothy Opperman

Timothy Opperman (Regent College, Vancouver) attended the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (July 22 – 25, 2016, Azusa Pacific University). I had a fantastic time attending the annual conference of the American Scientific Affiliation, and I felt particularly fortunate that my first time was the 75 Anniversary of the ASA.

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ASA 2017 Call for Abstracts

In Blogs by Mark McEwan

CSCA members are encouraged to submit abstract for this year’s annual meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation (July 28–31, 2017 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado). ABSTRACT DEADLINE: February 15, 2017 This year’s meeting theme is “Exploring New Heights for Science & Stewardship,” and it will also feature the latest research in other areas of physical, biological, and agricultural sciences, and engineering and technology education relating to the theme. Scholarships ASA Scholarships: A number of members have graciously provided funding for a limited number of scholarships. Scholarships are available to early career and student ASA members on a first-come, …

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Tom McLeish Visits BC’s Lower Mainland

In News by Mark McEwan

Our CSCA Vancouver chapter is very pleased to have Dr. Tom McLeish of Durham University, UK visit us this fall! From October 31 to Nov 3, Tom will be giving a number of public talks in BC’s Lower Mainland (details below). Tom McLeish is Professor of Physics at Durham University and also chairs the Royal Society’s education committee. After a first degree in physics and PhD (1987) in polymer physics at Cambridge University, a lectureship at Sheffield University, in complex fluid physics, lead to a chair at Leeds University from 1993. McLeish takes a fresh approach to the science and religion debate, taking …

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CSCA Featured in Faith Today

In Local Chapters Project, News by Mark McEwan

Our Local Chapters Project is featured in the September/October issue of Faith Today, Canada’s Christian Magazine (page 11). Read the online article at this link. As it turns out, our Project is actually on-track to start eight additional chapters (two more than the article mentions). We at CSCA are very excited about such a great start. Stay tuned for more updates, as we will soon release more details, including the personal reflections of our 2016 scholarship winners.

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Loving God with All Your Mind, and Alzheimer’s

In Calls for Submissions, News by James Peterson

Bryan C. Auday, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at Gordon College, Wenham, MA, and is also the founding Director of the Neuroscience Program there. He recently completed as Co-Medical Editor the Salem Health Magill’s Medical Guide (7th edition), Vols. 1-5, Hackensack, NJ: Grey House Publishing, 2014. Auday describes for us here the latest developments and challenges from Alzheimer’s Disease for the sciences, our society, and Christian faith. The essay is intended as an invitation. Readers are encouraged to take up one of the insights or questions, or maybe a related one that was not mentioned, …

PSCF, June 2016: Canadian Contributions

In News, Resources by Arnold Sikkema

The June 2016 issue of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the ASA and CSCA, has arrived in Canadian mailboxes. As is often the case, there are a good number of Canadian contributions to this issue, which we highlight below. If you are not yet a member of CSCA, the journal may be available in an academic library near you. Canadian Contributions to PSCF 68, no. 2 (June 2016) CSCA Past President and PSCF Editor James C. Peterson opens the issue with a brief editorial about its theme, entitled “Natural evil and the love of God.” This …

Local Chapters Project Newsletter: June 2016

In Local Chapters Project, News by Mark McEwan

In the early months of this year, our Local Chapters Project Team (your Executive Council) hit the ground running on a number of different fronts. Find out more in our June 2016 Newsletter: Click here: Continue reading our Local Chapters Project Newsletter (June 2016).