PSCF, June 2016: Canadian Contributions

In News, Resources by Arnold Sikkema

The June 2016 issue of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the ASA and CSCA, has arrived in Canadian mailboxes. As is often the case, there are a good number of Canadian contributions to this issue, which we highlight below. If you are not yet a member of CSCA, the journal may be available in an academic library near you. Canadian Contributions to PSCF 68, no. 2 (June 2016) CSCA Past President and PSCF Editor James C. Peterson opens the issue with a brief editorial about its theme, entitled “Natural evil and the love of God.” This …

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PSCF, March 2016: Canadian Contributions

In News, Resources by Mark McEwan

The March 2016 issue of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the ASA and CSCA, is now available for members. As is often the case, there are a good number of Canadian contributions to this issue, which we highlight below. If you are not yet a member of CSCA, the journal may be available in an academic library near you. Canadian Contributions to PSCF 68, no. 1 (March 2016) CSCA Past President and PSCF Editor James C. Peterson opens the issue with “The Science and Theology of Creation and Sin,” a brief editorial introducing the theme of …