CSCA’s Co-sponsorship / Promotion Policy

CSCA is always keen to promote science-and-Christianity events which are consistent with our ethos, wherever they are held in Canada. We frequently initiate and host our own science-faith events, but we have also promoted (and sometimes have been considered co-sponsors for) science-faith events initiated by other groups at various locations around Canada: e.g. Regent College, FaithTech, Simon Fraser University’s Christian Leadership Initiative, Ambrose University, Wycliffe College, Trinity Western University, various Power to Change events, and many more.

What We Offer

We promote events in the following ways:

  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media as appropriate.
  • Email: each CSCA local chapter list includes both CSCA members and many non-member followers, which we have been curating in each location since at least 2016.
  • Design posters to be printed by universities, churches, and individuals.

What We Ask in Exchange

One or more of the following:

  • CSCA (@csca1973) is tagged/mentioned (if applicable) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • CSCA (@csca1973) is invited to be a “co-host” on the Facebook event page (if applicable)
  • A note by the host stating, “This event is co-sponsored by the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation,” (or “We are pleased to partner with…”, or “We thank CSCA for their assistance in the promotion of this event…”) in emails sent, website notices, Facebook event pages, and posters, ideally (as appropriate) including one version of our logo.
  • A CSCA representative, or the main host of the event, would “say a few words” about CSCA at the beginning or end of an event (one to five minutes, see example here).
  • The ability to display a 6-foot (approximately) stand-up banner at the event in a suitable location.
  • The ability to display CSCA materials (pamphlets, etc.) in a suitable location.


Our funds are very limited (coming entirely from donations), but sometimes we are able to make a very small contribution to the speaker’s honorarium (usually only $75 to $150). If we are expending any funds, all of the above requests would have to be satisfied.

If the event host does not want to do any of the above, but would still like to have us promote the event as something of interest to our audiences, we could consider doing so if a suitable fee is paid to CSCA.