Duff at TWU/ACTS, “The Quest for a Historical Adam: Scientific and Theological Questions and Concerns”

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Trinity Western University / Association of Canadian Theological Schools hosts a special guest presentation by Dr. R. Joel Duff.

Wednesday 25 March 2015, 12:30pm-3:10pm.

In his presentation, Dr. Duff will discuss various genetic, anthropological, and theological issues that pertain to the topic of human origins. He will deal with the question of the relationship between the testimony of Scripture and scientific data concerning this topic. There will be opportunity for questions and discussion following his presentation.

SPEAKER: Dr. Joel Duff is a plant biologist and has been a professor of biology at the University of Akron since 1999. He received his B.Sc. in biology from Calvin College, and his Ph.D. in botany from the University of Tennessee. He has worked on numerous plant and animal systems using molecular methods to understand biological diversity. An author of more than 40 articles in science journals, he has also published in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith and maintains a blog, Naturalis Historia, where he writes about the intersection of science and faith.

LOCATION: Fosmark Building, Room 130/131 (main floor). This is building # 9 at www.twu.ca/campus/map-numerical.html (pay parking is available nearby).

NOTE: Dr. Duff is also giving an evening public lecture entitled “Stories that Fossils Tell: Revealing the Diversity of God’s Creation through Time.”

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ALSO SPONSORED BY: Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, Vancouver Area Science & Religion Forum, Solid Rock Lectures, The Biologos Foundation.

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