Rudisill in Hamilton, Sci-Rel Dialogue

In by Mark McEwan

Event Details

The Hamilton Science and Faith Forum and the CSCA present a public lecture by Rev. Dan Rudisill (Ph.D. cand., Institute for Christian Studies).

“Talking it Out: Fruitful Dialogue in Science & Religion”

Location: Hurlburt Hall (Room 136), McMaster Divinity College
Refreshments to follow!

Abstract: The relationship between science and religion is one of the most popular and explosive topics in our culture, but there has been very little true dialogue between opposing viewpoints–even within the Christian tradition. This is most unfortunate and need not be the case. In this talk, Rev. Dan Rudisill will discuss his own experience as an evolutionary creationist teaching and interacting with students from several different viewpoints on the relation to science and religion. He will relate several ways in which he has developed modes of successful and fruitful exchange with those holding different viewpoints.

Rev. Dan Rudisill serves on CSCA’s Executive Council as our Student and Early Career Member. He hails from Pennsylvania, and came with his wife Hannah to Canada so he could work towards his PhD in Philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. Dan received his M.A.R. from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in Systematic Theology & Ethics. He has a deep interest in the history of science and the so-called “science-religion debate,” which has guided his work from his undergraduate days at Messiah College through to his current doctoral research, which is focused on the philosophical and theological intersection between ontology and the Reformational concept of Creation Order. Dan is currently the Dean of Word & Spirit Revival Training Centre, housed at Promise of Life Church in Mississauga, Ontario where he and his wife now reside.

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