Dominguez in Montréal: Are Science and Religion Compatible?

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Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: The Centre for Research on Religion, McGill University; the Newman Institute of Catholic Studies; the Newman Catholic Students Society; and the CSCA present a free public lecture by Aaron Dominguez (Particle Physicist and Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, The Catholic University of America).


Aaron Dominguez (Particle Physicist & Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, Catholic University of America )
"Are Science and Religion Compatible? Reflections from a Particle Physicist"

Friday | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST | The Newman Centre | Reception to Follow

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Due to high demand, the event will be live-streamed through McGill’s Youtube Channel: click here..


This event is free, but the organizers have requested that you RSVP here.

Are Science and Religion Compatible? Reflections of a Particle Physicist

Are science and religion compatible?  Is it possible to be a faithful Catholic and an objective, serious scientist?  Dr. Aaron Dominguez will speak about how both of these can not only be possible, but in fact both need each other for a complete view of the world and our place in it. (source, more info)

Aaron Dominguez, Ph.D. is a particle physicist and the Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences at The Catholic University of America (more info).

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