Myers in Ottawa: The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness

In by Mark McEwan

Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: Ottawa Christian Reformed Campus Chaplaincy, Graduate and Faculty Christian Fellowship, and the CSCA present a lecture from David Myers (Professor of Psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan).


David Myers
"The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness"

Wednesday | 7:30 pm | Pérez Building (Freiman Hall), University of Ottawa

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The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness

Hope College social psychologist David Myers will explore the things that do, and surprisingly don’t, predict people’s well-being. Does happiness favor those of a particular age or sex? Does wealth enhance well-being? Does it help to have certain traits? to have close friends or be married? to have an engaged religious faith? New studies explode some myths and reveal the marks of flourishing lives.

David Myers is Professor of Psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He is a communicator of psychological science to college students and the general public. His scientific writings, supported by National Science Foundation grants and fellowships, have appeared in three dozen academic periodicals, including Science, the American Scientist, the American Psychologist, and Psychological Science. David has written widely on psychological research in many formats, including a number of general interest books and textbooks, which are in use today in psychology classrooms. (source, more info.)