James Rusthoven
CSCA and the Vancouver Area Science & Religion Forum are co-sponsoring the Geneva Society’s 2013 Geneva Lecture, given by oncologist and bioethicist Dr. James Rusthoven of McMaster University, who also has a PhD in theology.
ABSTRACT: Principles-based ethics has dominated bioethics for the past 35 years, largely because of its simplicity of structure and it claims to represent a common morality. However, it has also been widely criticised for its lack of moral content, preoccupation with the problem-solving process, and inability to give direction when principles conflict. More recently, appeals have been made from multiple segments of the medical community to develop a more relational approach to bioethics using the notion of covenant. While moral justification for such an ethical framework has been based on pagan Greek, Jewish, and/or Christian traditions, I will present the case for development of a covenantal ethic based on the biblical notion of covenant. This case will be made in the context of the growing relational complexity of medical practice, necessitated by a rapidly expanding understanding of human disease and its treatment.
BIO: Jim Rusthoven is a part-time practicing medical oncologist. He graduated from the University of Illinois medical school, subsequently completing internal medicine, infectious diseases, and oncology training in Toronto. For the last 13 years, Jim has also pursued graduate studies toward developing a Reformed Christian approach to bioethics and the practice of medicine, earning an MHSc degree in bioethics (University of Toronto) and a PhD in theology (Trinity College, University of Bristol, UK). Jim particularly enjoys teaching and speaking about bioethics, bird watching, cycling, and spending time with his family and friends.
LOCATION: Auditorium, Northwest Building, Trinity Western University (This is #28 on the campus map. Pay parking is available nearby.)
This free public lecture is also co-sponsored by the following units at Trinity Western University: School of Nursing, Department of Biology, Biotechnology Program, and the course NATS 487.
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