Trinity Western University’s Department of Geography and Environment, TWU Faith & Science Club, and the CSCA present a lecture by John Wood (Dean of Natural Sciences Dept., The King’s University).
“The Necessity of Death”
Location: Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University
Abstract: Living systems are animated at every level by mortality, cessation, and endings. It is difficult to imagine a landscape anywhere operating without death. In a world without death, there would be few of the many biological distinctions that we take for granted: the shape of tree leaves or the riotous color of a coral reef. Yet it is difficult for us to see death as anything but evil. This talk will address the need for a new, complementarian view of death, and of life.
Dr. John R. Wood, Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The King’s University, American Scientific Affiliation Executive Council, Board of Directors, Canadian College and University Environmental Network (CUEN-RCCU) and he is on the Board of Global Scholars – Canada.
Dr. Wood’s research interests lie in urban ecology, campus sustainability and attitudes around edible insects. He has studied the behaviour of White-tailed Jackrabbits and their population fluctuations in Edmonton. And he has published on university campus land use and sustainability practices. For the last 15 years, together with Dr. Heather Looy, he has explored how new food adoption practices are changing one aspect of Western exceptionalism – our cultural blind spot toward food insects.
His recent publications include An Ecological Perspective on the Role of Death in Creation, Imagination, Hospitality, and Affection: The unique legacy of food insects?; How Then Shall We Eat? Insect-eating attitudes and sustainable foodways; and Stewarding the Gift of Land: Christian campuses as land management models.