Barrigar Online in Waterloo, God’s Agape Design

In by Mark McEwan

Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: CSCA’s Waterloo chapter presents an online lecture with Chris Barrigar (PhD Philosophy, McGill; Pastor of the Church of St Mark & St Peter, Montreal).

Online Lecture

Chris Barrigar
"God's Agape/Many-Routes Design for the Universe"

Wednesday | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST | Zoom

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God’s Agape/Many-Routes Design for the Universe

“Standard ‘design’ arguments for the existence of God place God’s design in the wrong features of creation, and also fail to give sufficient account of numerous other features of the universe. For instance, probabilistic physics, randomness, thermodynamics, emergent complexity, massively large numbers, and organic compounds in space are currently seen in Christian accounts as interesting elements of the universe but ultimately irrelevant to God’s purposes. The A/MR account contends that these are in fact integral to God’s purpose, and so proposes a particular account of God’s purpose along with an account of how these sorts of features of the universe fit with God’s ultimate purpose and design. Further, for Christians seeking an account of God’s design that incorporates mainstream science, the A/MR account provides a powerful alternative to ID accounts.”

Chris Barrigar is Pastor of the Church of St Mark & St Peter, Montreal, Canada. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from McGill University. Chris has taught and supervised at the graduate level, and is, or has been, a member of various academic societies, including the Society of Christian Philosophers and the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science. Chris also serves as a Subject Area Reviews Editor (for books in Bible, Theology, and Science) for the ASA’s journal Perspectives in Science and Christian Faith, and is a member of the Montreal Chapter of the CSCA.