Local Contact: Expectations and Resources

Each new chapter needs to have a local contact who can communicate with our staff.


The local contact is a member of CSCA, who:

The following are also assets:

  • Social media presence
  • Access to suitable rooms (hopefully at no charge) to hold events
  • Encouraging people to join and donate to CSCA.


See our event co-sponsorship policy.

Find slides to show at events, instructions for video-recording events, and similar resources here.

This is what the CSCA can do for you:

  • Each local chapter is put in touch with a member of our Executive Council (EC), who serves as Liaison between the chapter and the EC. Your EC Liaison is there to provide guidance and advice, and they represent the concerns of your chapter at periodic EC meetings. They may also be available to visit your chapter at some point, especially if your chapter invites them to speak at an event.
  • Each local chapter may request up to $500 per year from our national fund.
  • This can be supplemented by donations. (Remember: all donations to CSCA are tax-receiptable.)
  • Information/guidance on how to hold a local event
  • Preparation of event pages on CSCA’s Facebook and websites.
  • Help with promotional posters, etc.