How do I join the CSCA?

Understanding CSCA and ASA

CSCA is the expression of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) in Canada. This means:

  1. Every CSCA member is automatically an ASA member, and
  2. Every ASA member residing in Canada is automatically a CSCA member.
  3. ASA members not residing in Canada can opt-in to become CSCA members also, but the default is for them to be ASA members only.

Who Can Join?

Anyone interested in the objectives of the CSCA/ASA may have a part in the CSCA/ASA, with various membership categories (see below). Many of our members are scientists, but we also have many others, including historians, philosophers, theologians, educators, nurses, pastors, tradespersons, and more!

How to Join

Are you already a CSCA/ASA member or were you ever previously a member? Then you’re already registered, so please don’t register again. Contact ASA at [email protected] for your username or try your email address as the username and click on “Forgot your password?”

To become a member of the CSCA, simply go to the main ASA membership registration page, select your membership type, and set up your membership account. In order to indicate that you are a CSCA member instead of an ASA member only, you must choose “ASA/CSCA: CSCA” from the dropdown menu that appears when you create your username. 

If you have any questions about membership or the application process, please email Becky English, ASA’s Director of Membership and Outreach, and she will be glad to assist you.

Membership Categories

Regular Member: Open to all persons who can give assent to our statement of faith and meet at least one of these criteria:

  1. have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher in a science-related discipline where science is interpreted broadly to include any disciplines of natural and social science, health sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (such as but not limited to, anthropology, archaeology, economics, history, medicine, political science, psychology, and sociology), or
  2. philosophers, historians, Bible scholars, theologians, or other professionals whose vocational activity contributes to the intersection of faith and science.

Members have voting privileges and can hold office. Regular Member dues are $114/year with a print copy of the CSCA/ASA Journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (PSCF), and $99/year for electronic-only PSCF. When registering, choose “Mail Printed PSCF” Y/N.

Associate Member: Available to those interested who may not meet the criteria of a regular member but can give assent to our statement of faith. Associates receive all member benefits and publications and take part in all of the affairs of the ASA except voting and holding office. Associate Member dues are $114/year with print PSCF, and $99/year for electronic-only PSCF. When registering, choose “Mail Printed PSCF” Y/N.

Family Member: Family members of regular members may qualify for a reduced rate of $20/year. Select your requested member type and later you will be able to select “family” rates. Family members are defined as household members residing at the same address. The PSCF subscription is electronic-only.

Subscriber: Subscriptions to Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (PSCF) are available at $55/year (individuals), and $100/year (institutions).

Student/Early Career Member: Available to anyone enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate program, or advanced high school students as well as early career professions (defined as the first three years from the last degree). Choose from two options.

  • Basic: Free of charge for electronic publications and communications only; no voting rights.
  • Premier: $20/year for print copies of PSCF and mailings as well as electronic publications and communications; no voting rights.

Complimentary Member: Full-time missionaries serving abroad are entitled to a complimentary membership. If you qualify, please contact Becky at [email protected] for a promo code to register.

Friend: An individual or student wishing to participate in the ASA without giving assent to our statement of faith may become a Friend. Friends may select the membership for which they qualify. All benefits apply with the exceptions of voting rights and holding office. Friend dues are the same as the selected membership type.

Follower: Receive our free mailings and annual meeting notices for ASA and local chapters.


Dues represent only 18% of ASA revenue with fundraising making up the majority of revenue. A portion of the ASA dues is tied to the actual printing and postage cost of the journal. If a member opts out of receiving a print copy of PSCF, membership dues will be decreased by $15. ASA membership dues do not support CSCA’s own activities; for those, we rely entirely on donations.

Membership Type Print and electronic PSCF  Electronic only PSCF
Regular/Associate $114 $99
Retired $70 $55
Family Not applicable $20
Subscriber $55 Not applicable
Student Premier $20 Not applicable
Student Basic Not applicable $0

Payment Options

Membership dues (whether new or renewal) can be paid in several ways:

  • To the ASA, in US dollars, via credit card at
  • To the CSCA, in Canadian dollars (at par)
    • via Interac e-Transfer to [email protected] (no security question needed)
    • via cheque to CSCA, PO Box 63082 University Plaza, Dundas, ON L9H 6Y3

When sending funds to CSCA, whether by cheque or e-Transfer, please clearly indicate:

  • your name
  • the breakdown of membership dues and donation

For example, if you are sending $300 to CSCA, write, “Jane Doe $114 dues, $186 donation.” Include this note in the cheque memo line (or separate slip of paper) or in the Interac e-Transfer comment box or send it by email to [email protected].

Important Note regarding the Canadian dollars (at par) option

CSCA sends your full membership dues to ASA. For example, the annual regular ASA membership dues (including print PSCF) are 114 USD. So if you pay 114 CAD to CSCA, CSCA will have to send 114 USD (which is 155 CAD as of May 2023) to ASA, making up the difference of 41 CAD. Thus we will need donations to cover this difference. Thus we strongly encourage all CSCA members to make annual or monthly donations to the CSCA for this purpose (as well as to cover our other annual expenses of about $10,000).

Learn how to send funds via Interac e-Transfer here. CSCA is set up for Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit.


For donation options, see our “Support CSCA” page.

Please note:

Membership dues are different from donations; renewals are described at our “Membership Renewal” page. CanadaHelps cannot be used for membership dues (including renewals).