Online Resources by CSCA Members

The following is a list of online resources by CSCA members that are relevant to science and/or science-and-faith. This list is curated by Patrick Franklin (, our Vice President and Book Review Editor of our CSCA/ASA peer-reviewed journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.

While the specific views and positions of the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the CSCA (read more about our approach), they do collectively show that there are a number of committed Christians engaged in the sciences in Canada and/or contributing on matters where science and faith intersect.

If you are a member and have an online resource that you believe belongs on this list, please suggest it to Patrick. In general, submissions should be clearly related to science-and-faith, or works of science by a Christian; most importantly, these works must be compatible with our ethos. (CSCA does not guarantee that every submitted resources will be listed; CSCA reserves the right to list, or not list, submissions at our sole discretion.)

Online Courses

Denis O.
Science & Religion 101

This free online course examines the nature of both science and religion and attempts to explore the possible relationships between them. The primary purpose is to dispel the popular myth that science and religion are entrenched in a never-ending conflict. As a result, this course argues that if the limits of both science and religion are respected, then their relationship can be complementary.

E. Janet
Issues in Science and Faith

Janet Warren (MD, PhD theology) has available an independent study/reading course on issues in science and faith, primarily for seminary students. Contact her for further details:


Recovering Evangelicals:<br> Christianity for the 21st Century

A podcast for people who were once very comfortable in their Christian faith … until the 21st century intruded and made it very hard to keep on believing. And for those who are intrigued by science, philosophy, world history, and even world religions …. and want to rationalize that with their Christian theology. And for those who found that’s just not possible … and yet there’s still a small part of them that … … won’t let it go.


Christian J.
Through Eyes of Faith

Where pastor and philosopher Chris Barrigar writes on whatever matters of faith, intellect, ministry, mission, and society currently interest him.

Patrick S.
Patrick S. Franklin's blog

Musings on life, faith, theology & culture.

Luke J.
Luke J. Janssen's blog

Exploring the tension between Christianity and the 21st century.

Dennis R.
Evolution Basics

A blog series aiming to provide evangelical Christians with a step-by-step introduction to the science of evolutionary biology.