Submit a Blog

CSCA members (including students) are encouraged to submit blog posts for our website. All submissions should be appropriate according to the scope and approach of the CSCA. (Not all submissions are guaranteed to be to posted; CSCA reserves the right to edit submissions for grammar, content, length etc.) Please email submissions to Mark at [email protected].

Possible submissions topics might include:

  • An examination of some science & faith issue (theological & philosophical engagement is quite welcome), especially if it has a Canadian connection.
  • A reflection on or response to…
    • an article in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.
    • a lecture given in one of the videos on our YouTube Channel.
    • a recent event at your local chapter.
    • a conference or other non-CSCA event dealing with science and religion.
    • a statement made about science and faith in the Canadian media.
  • A scientific accomplishment made by one of our members.
  • A personal account of one’s journey integrating science and faith.
  • We also encourage our members to submit creative-writing contributions to ASA’s God and Nature. CSCA will promote your published contributions on our website.