Support CSCA

The CSCA is a registered Canadian charity. Donations play a critical and dominant role in furthering and promoting the work and witness of the CSCA. No part of the membership fee supports the CSCA directly. This leaves donations as the primary funding source for what is unique to CSCA.

Please note:

Membership dues are different from donations; renewals are described at our “Membership Renewal” page. CanadaHelps cannot be used for membership dues (including renewals).

There are five ways to make your donation to the CSCA, each resulting in a charitable donation tax receipt. You can designate your donation to our general fund or to your local chapter (which would then receive 75% of your donation, as 25% is maintained with the general fund).

1) Donate via CanadaHelps using this form here. You will get your tax receipt automatically from CanadaHelps. (This service will deduct approximately 3% of your donation before sending it on to CSCA.) Specify whether you want to donate once or monthly, and indicate which chapter or fund you’re donating toward. You could do this in two ways:

  • Use the drop-down menu under “FUND,” or
  • Indicate which chapter in the field that says, “Write a private message to us (optional).”

2) Donate via Interac e-Transfer to [email protected] (no security question needed). Designate your donation, and include your name and mailing address, by writing in the Interac e-Transfer comment box or sending a note by email to [email protected].

Learn how to send funds via Interac e-Transfer here. CSCA is set up for Interac e-Transfer Autodeposit.

3) Donate via cheque sent to the CSCA’s mailing address. Designate your donation via the memo line or a separate slip of paper.

The Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation
P.O. Box 63082 University Plaza
Dundas, ON  L9H 6Y3


4) Donate online in US dollars through the ASA website, via this link. (Note: This link will automatically list “CSCA” as the “Campaign/Fund”.) Under “donor comments” you can designate your donation.

5) Donate Securities and Mutual Funds. This tax-efficient option can be easily processed through CanadaHelps. It eliminates capital gains taxes, provides instant tax receipts, and provides CSCA with the current market value in cash promptly.

Tax Receipts

Canadian residents will receive a tax receipt for all donations made to the CSCA (automatically via Options 1 and 5, and from our Treasurer before the end of February of the following year for the other options). We do encourage Canadian residents to give directly to the ASA as well, though you cannot receive tax receipts for supporting any of the ASA funds, with the exception of “CSCA” as noted in Option 4 above.

Your support is both vital and deeply appreciated.

Estate Gifts

If you wish to ensure CSCA is able to reach future generations, please consider an estate gift. We will be pleased to discuss channels of deferred giving with you. For those interested in remembering this work in their wills as an estate gift, the following examples are submitted for your consideration, subject to acceptance by a local attorney.

  • Cash and Personal Property: “I give, devise, and bequeath the sum of $____ to the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation, P.O. Box 63082 University Plaza, Dundas, ON  L9H 6Y3
  • Real estate: “I give, devise, and bequeath lands and improvements with all contents thereof situated at [insert full address] to the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation, P.O. Box 63082 University Plaza, Dundas, ON  L9H 6Y3, in fee simple absolute.”

Please note:

Membership dues are different from donations; renewals are described at our “Membership Renewal” page. CanadaHelps cannot be used for membership dues (including renewals).