Welcome to the CSCA

In News by James Peterson

Welcome to the new website for the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation!

After a lengthy consultation process with Harold Sikkema at nsitu, we present our new public face: advancing the work of Christians in science who work in a distinctly Canadian atmosphere. In this part of the world, the nuances we attend to are indeed of a particular flavour. It is our hope that we can grow together also through this online space. Let’s see what we can build!

Our new logo and website reflect the always ongoing revitalisation of our vision and mission. We are excited for the new possibilities and increased networking capabilities with our members from coast to coast as well as our connection with our affiliated organisation in the US, the American Scientific Affiliation.

Our logo creatively reflects both our close relationship with the ASA and our uniquely Canadian identity. The ASA logo has long featured two converging arrows, one vertical and one horizontal. The vertical arrow can be seen to represent God’s relationship to creation and to humans in particular. The horizontal arrow can designate God’s work in and through the created reality, as well as in our stewardship of  the environment, and in our relationships with one another.

Harold has creatively integrated these features of the ASA logo into the internationally recognized symbol, the red maple leaf, like that of Acer rubrum. The leaf has variations within the red colour, is not perfectly symmetrical or rigid but fluid and dynamic. The words “Canadian” in red, “Scientific & Christian” boldly brought forward for emphasis, and “Affiliation” having the same font as “Canadian” identify us as a Canadian affiliation with our focus on “Scientific & Christian”.

We invite your engagement and participation in our website and our organisation. Welcome!

James C. Peterson
CSCA President