Science and Religion Conference Scholarships

In Local Chapters Project, News by Mark McEwan




As a part of our Local Chapters Project, the CSCA is delighted to offer fifteen student scholarships over three years (five per year) in order to help encourage the next generation of thinkers in science and religion!

CSCA_Scholarships-2017_FB-2Science and Religion Conference Scholarships

We are offering (at least) five scholarships each year from 2016 to 2018 of up to $1600 each to help Canadian students attend conferences dealing with science and religion. The money for each scholarship will go toward paying the flights, conference fees, and lodging for a major science-and-religion event of the student’s choosing (not limited to conferences in Canada). Prospective winners might choose conferences with ASA, CSCA, CiS, Faraday Institute, Ian Ramsey Centre, ESSSAT, or the Science and Religion Forum (or any other conference dealing with science and religion). We see these scholarships as an investment in the future of science and religion in Canada.

Application is open to any Canadian post-secondary student who is a member of the CSCA (basic student membership is free). Applicants will submit a proposal to be evaluated by the CSCA Executive Council.

(For conferences taking place in 2017)

Criteria will include:

  • the suitability of the proposed conference
  • the preparedness of the student for attending the conference
  • whether the student will be speaking at the conference (not required, but helps)
  • the reasons the student gives for their desire to attend the conference

Students with winning entries, once selected, will

  • register for and attend the conference,
  • write and submit a short piece reflecting on the conference, or perhaps a specific part of it, emphasizing how they personally benefited in terms of their understanding of science-faith compatibility (500 – 1000 words, to potentially appear in our newsletter, etc.),
  • submit one one or more photos documenting their attendance at the conference (e.g. at the front entrance, with a major speaker, etc.–this photo should be suitable for publication in our newsletter and/or website), and
  • submit receipts for all expenses, which will be reimbursed with the scholarship funds after the report and photos are received (students must pay for everything in advance).
  • All expense receipts, reports, photos will be due two weeks after the conference ends.

Exceptional pieces may be selected to appear in the CSCA newsletter and/or on our website! (The student’s last name can be removed upon request, but we will publicize winner’s names and schools.)


Help us get the word out by printing and sharing our poster:CSCA-Scholarships_Poster_Thumbnail

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can non-Canadians apply?

Both of these groups of students may apply (provided they are members of the CSCA): (1) Canadian citizens who are students–even if they are students at an institution outside of Canada. (2) Non-Canadian citizens who are studying at a Canadian institution.

Can non-science students apply?

Of course! Part of a fruitful science-and-religion discussion is to take seriously input from people in fields other than science–particularly (but not limited to) seminary students.

Do we have to pay for the conference and everything up-front?

Yes, (once they have won) winners pay for everything up-front and are reimbursed afterwards (see details in above post). If you’re already paid for the conference, there’s no reason you can’t apply for our scholarship.

What are some conferences I could use this scholarship for?

Prospective students are encouraged to research this on their own, as there are quite a few options out there. There are more general conferences, such as the ASA/CSCA annual meeting, and there are conferences that focus more on specific fields and themes. We’ve left this somewhat open-ended to allow for a variety of possibilities. See our links to various calls for abstracts for ideas.

What if I am accepted for a scholarship but then cannot attend the conference? (e.g. missed flight)

The CSCA is unable to reimburse any funds for money spent on flights (etc.) if the student does not actually attend the conference and comply with the other expectations listed above.

I would like to apply to attend a conference taking place shortly after I technically finish my program as a student. Can I still apply?

When in doubt, apply! Awards are up to the discretion of the Executive Council.

What if the conference I want to apply for is taking place before May 31?

No problem! We realize that some conferences take place before our deadline and may award scholarships for earlier conferences at our own discretion. There’s no harm in applying.