Call for Papers: Atheism and the Christian Faith

In Calls for Submissions by Mark McEwan

The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith has put out a call for papers for their upcoming conference on Atheism and the Christian Faith in Edmonton, Alberta.

May 6-7, 2016

Papers and Presentations along the lines of the theme of Atheism and the Christian Faith may be approached interdisciplinarily from the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Formal Sciences and from the subdisciplines of philosophy, theology, apologetics, psychology, sociology, history, culture, art and ethics, etc. There is a broad range of possible topics with some overlap. This list is neither exhaustive nor intended to be restrictive: Atheism as Religion, Atheism and Morality, Atheism and Meaning, Atheism and Apologetics, Atheism and Cosmology, Atheism and Teleology, Atheism and Ontology, Atheism and Postmodernism, Atheism and Politics, Atheism and Economics, Atheism and History, Atheism and Biology, Atheism and Psychology, Atheism and Society, Atheism and the Arts.

Paper proposals should include an abstract of 150-300 words outlining the topic related to the theme, method and purpose. The paper should be close to 2500 words. The presentation should last around 25 minutes with approximately 5 minutes for question and answer. PowerPoint, DVD and Internet are available for the presentation.

Deadline for proposal submission is Friday 22nd April 2016. Scholars who want their original unpublished papers for the conference published in our online journal the Canadian Journal for Scholarship and the Christian Faith may submit them for adjudication at any time. Fill out the form below to submit an abstract for the conference. (Source)

Official Call for Papers Here