Tom McLeish Visits BC’s Lower Mainland

In News by Mark McEwan

Our CSCA Vancouver chapter is very pleased to have Dr. Tom McLeish of Durham University, UK visit us this fall! From October 31 to Nov 3, Tom will be giving a number of public talks in BC’s Lower Mainland (details below).

Tom McLeish is Professor of Physics at Durham University and also chairs the Royal Society’s education committee. After a first degree in physics and PhD (1987) in polymer physics at Cambridge University, a lectureship at Sheffield University, in complex fluid physics, lead to a chair at Leeds University from 1993.

McLeish takes a fresh approach to the science and religion debate, taking a scientist’s reading of the enigmatic and beautiful Book of Job as a centrepiece, and asking what science might ultimately be for. Rather than conflicting with faith, science can be seen as a deeply religious activity, and the current form of a deep and continuous thread in human culture. He longs to equip churches to work with science as God’s gift, and for secular scientists to see the search for wisdom about the world in science.

His research interests include: (i) molecular rheology of polymeric fluids); (ii) macromolecular biological physics; (iii) issues of theology, ethics and history of science. He has published over 180 scientific papers and reviews, and is in addition regularly involved in science-communication with the public, including lectures and workshops on science and faith. In 2014 OUP published his book Faith and Wisdom in Science. He has been a Reader in the Anglican Church since 1993, in the dioceses of Ripon and York.

Lecture Tour of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia:
(More info on McLeish and the tour in general here.)