Conference: Full Talk Schedule & Early Price Extended

In Blogs by Mark McEwan

CSCA is holding a conference dealing with science and Christianity in Canada at, and co-hosted by, Trinity Western University, May 11 – 14, 2018. This conference will include Canadians in science, speakers dealing with issues relevant to our theme, and talks on science and Christian faith in general. Info and registration:

We are happy to announce that our full schedule of talks, both plenary and and breakout, is now available. A full programme booklet (including abstracts) will be available in April.

Early-Bird Price Extended!

It took us a little longer than expected to get this schedule together, so we have extended the early-bird price deadline to March 31. Register Now!

Schedule at a Glance

Conference opens with dinner at 5pm Friday 11 May and ends with lunch at 1pm Monday 14 May.

Friday evening, 7pm Plenary: Dennis Danielson
Saturday morning Plenary: Santa Ono
Saturday afternoon Breakouts
Saturday evening Sky Gala
Janet Danielson
Katharine Hayhoe
Sunday morning Worship: Mark Glanville preaching
Plenary: Richard Middleton
Sunday afternoon Breakouts
Sunday evening Film + Panel
Monday morning Plenary: Robert Mann

Full Talk Schedule

Download this Schedule as PDF

From Sea to Sea…to Sky! Science and Christianity in Canada
Friday 11 May to Monday 14 May 2018
19:20 Dennis Danielson
Copernicus and the Structure of the Universe
20:30 Don McNally
  A Brief History of the CSCA: Shaping the Faith/Science Dialogue in Canadian Universities, from George Grant to the Governor General
08:40 Santa J. Ono
Science And Faith: Servant Leadership and the Secular University
10:15 A1: Origins, Evolution, & Design A2: Theology
(starts 10:45am)
A3: National Parks
(starts 10:45am)
10:15 Dennis Venema    
  Human Origins and the Species Problem
10:45 Ben McFarland Howard G. Andersen Paul Yang
  Chemistry and Creativity in the Cambrian Explosion Did Jesus Care About Empirical Evidence? Was the Grand Canyon Really Formed by Noah’s Flood?
11:15 Paul Brown Alan Dickin Paul Heintzman
  Using the Unknown in Science – Evolution, Design, and God of the Gaps A Biblical Account of Origins Should Also Explain the Origins of the Biblical Account Nature, Wilderness and Creation Care: The Example of Canadian National Parks
13:15 B1: Apologetics & Philosophy B2: History & Literature B3: Math & Physics
13:15 Paul Chamberlain Holly Nelson Howard G. Andersen
  Naturalism: Obstacle or Benefit to Christians Working in Science? Margaret Cavendish and the Christian Faith: Scripture, Doctrine, and the Church in her Natural Philosophy Probability, Statistics and Faith
13:45 Gordon Carkner Bob Geddes Sam Pimentel
  Scientism and the Search for an Integrated Reality Science and Faith in Nineteenth Century Canada: Sir J. William Dawson and the Psalms Theistic Reflections on the Navier-Stokes Equations
14:15 Christopher Morrissey Charles Chaffey Colin Campbell
  Logical Structure in Models of Human Nature: The Logic of Relativism Science Confronts Quebec’s Faith in the Early 20th Century Providence and the Principle of Least Action
15:15 C1: Climate Science C2: Philosophy of Science C3: Psychology
15:15 Thomas Ackerman ZiHao Wang Bruce Vermeer
  A Christian Perspective on the Science and Ethics of Solar Climate Engineering Scientific Causality and Classical Theism Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Interventions and the Soul: Moral and Ethical Considerations
15:45 Truitt Wiensz Mark McEwan Janet Warren
  Exploring Our Meanings of Climate and Science Is Christian Faith Less Honest than Science? Addiction: Discomfort and Denial
19:00 SKY GALA
19:15 The Isotone Ensemble performs
Janet Danielson’s Six Pieces of a Reverberant Cosmos
20:15 Katharine Hayhoe
Christians, Climate Science, and our Culture
09:00 Worship Service
Mark Glanville: How Can Science Foster Communities of Thanksgiving, Inclusion, and Diversity?
10:30 J. Richard Middleton
Human Distinctiveness and the Origin of Evil in Biblical and Evolutionary Perspectives
11:30 D1: Science, Faith, & Doctrine D2: Philosophy of Science D3: Psychology & Philosophy
11:30 Tim Opperman Richard Johns Marvin McDonald &
Mihaela Launeanu
  The Evolutionary Emergence of Morality: A Non-Concordist Approach to the Doctrine of Original Sin Is Evolution a Physical Process? Social Practices as Mediating Guides to Faith-Informed Strategies in Applied Research
12:00 Bruce Martin Amanda J. Nichols &
Myron Penner
Lorin Friesen
  A Physicist, Geographer, and a Biologist Go Into a Church, and… Philosophical and Theological Skepticism About Science A Cognitive Integration of Science and Religion
13:45 E1: Youth/Campus Ministry E2: The Scientific Study of Religion & Lived Faith: Collision & Collusion E3: Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, & Death
13:45 Chris Polachic &
John Hau
James Cresswell Bob Doede
  Evangelism Through the Narrative of Human Evolution in Canadian Campus Ministry Does Reality and/or God Exist… or Not? Transhumanism and [Dis-]Incarnation
14:15 Marian Saleh &
Cahleen Shrier
Erin I. Smith William Sikkema
  Science for Youth Ministers Program: Preparation for Conversations in Ministry It’s Not Just the Content: Understanding Person-Level Variables in the Science-Religion Dialogue The Lame Walk and the Blind See: Carbon Nanotechnology in Medicine
14:45 April Maskiewicz Cordero Laird Edman John Wood
  Identifying Factors That Influence Students’ Perceptions of the Compatibility of Faith and Science The Cognitive Science of Religion Applied: Implications for Faith-Based Settings Why Have You Forsaken Me? Biological and Theological Views of the Necessity of Death
15:45 F1: Bible & Theology F2: Artificial Intelligence  
15:45 Dirk Büchner Martin Ester & Sieun Lee
  The Bible and Human Origins: Cain’s Story as a Test Case Artificial Intelligence – Are We Just Machines?
16:15 Douglas Harink AJ Boulay
  The Burning Bush, the Theotokos and the Theology-Science Relationship AI Safety: What Can Christian Ethics Contribute?
16:45 Rob Hiebert Derek Schuurman
  Can You Get to Eden from Jurassic Park (or Vice Versa)?: Reading Biblical Creation Texts Responsibly Artificial Intelligence: Discerning a Christian Response
19:30 Making Peace With Creation (Film and Panel)
21:00 Science Career Panel
08:30 Robert B. Mann
The Edge: Physics & Theology
10:00 G1: Physics G2: Ecology  
10:00 Stanley Yen Matthew Morris
  The HALO and HALO-1kT Detectors for Supernova Neutrinos God Blessed the Fish: Calgary’s Fish Food Problem and Its Implications for Flourishing Fishes
10:30 Steve Ball Paul Brown
  Kilonova: A New Era in Astronomy Soapberries, Science, and Service
11:00 Marek Radzikowski Paul Heintzman
  Neutrinos as Tachyons: A Microcosm of Apologetics? The Ecological Virtues of Bill Mason
11:30 Arnold Sikkema  
  Quantum Field Theory, Personhood, and the Trinity: Echoes and Resonances


CSCA is holding a conference dealing with science and Christianity in Canada at, and co-hosted by, Trinity Western University, May 11 – 14, 2018. This conference will include Canadians in science, speakers dealing with issues relevant to our theme, and talks on science and Christian faith in general. Info and registration: