Apologetics at CSCA 2018

In Blogs, Conference Posts by Mark McEwan

Single-day Saturday admission ($125 until Apr 27) includes:
– all conference sessions that day
– breakfast, lunch, and dinner
– PLUS admission our special evening “Sky Gala” with Katharine Hayhoe, live music, and a reception with hors d’oeuvres. Register now

After sharing their faith, many Christians these days encounter a familiar response: “Well, I’m a man of science,” or “It’s nice that works for you, but I prefer to base my beliefs on science”–or perhaps even “Hasn’t science proven the Bible to be just wrong and out of date?” The topic of science-and-faith often comes up in conversations involving apologetics, and, increasingly so, science seems to be one of the main reasons that western people either leave the Christian faith, or feel justified in dismissing it out of hand.

That is one of many reasons I am so grateful that organisations such as CSCA exist. It is important that we communicate that science and Christian faith need not be enemies. No one should feel forced to choose between being intellectually rigorous and responsible about nature, on the one hand, and being faithful and loyal to the God revealed in the birth, life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Christians often disagree on exactly how, and in what measure we can hold together science and the Bible, but we all agree that nature and Scripture are from God: when both are rightly understood, the two cannot conflict.

Our upcoming national conference (May 11-14) features a number of plenary and contributed talks that either directly deal with apologetics or treat issues that are closely related. In particular, our breakout schedule includes an apologetics stream on Saturday, May 12:

  • Paul Chamberlain – Naturalism: Obstacle or Benefit to Christians Working in Science?
  • Gordon Carkner – Scientism and the Search for an Integrated Reality
  • Christopher Morrissey – Logical Structure in Models of Human Nature: The Logic of Relativism

These talks on the same day also directly deal with hot topics in apologetics:

  • Paul Yang – Was the Grand Canyon Really Formed by Noah’s Flood?
  • Howard G. Andersen – Did Jesus Care About Empirical Evidence?
  • ZiHao Wang – Scientific Causality and Classical Theism
  • Mark McEwan – Is Christian Faith Less Honest than Science?

See the full talk schedule for list of all talks.

The single-day price of $125 is in effect until April 27. Single-day Saturday admission includes all conference sessions that day, as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner–and it includes admission to our special evening gala with Katharine Hayhoe, live music, and a reception with hors d’oeuvres. Register now

CSCA is holding a conference dealing with science and Christianity in Canada at, and co-hosted by, Trinity Western University, May 11 – 14, 2018. This conference will include Canadians in science, speakers dealing with issues relevant to our theme, and talks on science and Christian faith in general. Info and registration: www.csca.ca/may2018

Our special evening “Sky Gala” on May 12 is included with conference admission, but it is also open to the public as a standalone evening event for $30: www.skygala.com

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