Howe Sound, BC.

Q&A #47 – Dennis R. Venema

In Blogs, CSCA 50 Qs by Rebecca Dielschneider

For the past 50 years, the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation has facilitated discussions about science and Christian faith in Canada. As part of our 50th-anniversary celebrations, we asked 50 CSCA members to comment on their personal connections to science, scripture, and Canadian scenery. We will share these contributions throughout 2023 in the hope that you will find them engaging and encouraging.

CSCA member of the week: Dennis R. Venema, Biology Professor, Trinity Western University.

1. Why did you choose your scientific discipline?

As a child I was fascinated with biology, but by the time university came around I thought I would become a medical doctor. I took a BSc in biology intending to go on to medical school, but fell in love with biology (again) and decided to pursue a PhD instead.

2. What is one of your favourite Bible verses and why?

In elementary school I memorized the entire book of James, and many of the verses have stuck with me to this day. These remain favourites:

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

—James 1:17

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

—James 1:22

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

—James 1:27

3. Which Canadian city or landscape do you love exploring and why?

I was born and raised on the north coast of British Columbia, and came south to the Vancouver area for university. I’ve come to love the south coast here – Howe Sound in particular. It’s a place of great natural beauty that reminds me of God’s delight in creation every time I visit.