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From Cosmos to Psyche: Call for Abstracts

In Calls for Submissions, News by Arnold Sikkema

Please visit the main conference website for information and registration. (The call for abstracts was closed at the end of February.) ASA CSCA CiS 2014 Annual Meeting McMaster University, Hamilton, ON July 25–28, 2014 A Message from Program Chair Robert Mann “All things hold together in Christ” is a phrase that speaks to the integration of God’s love, justice, and intelligibility in the person of Jesus. At this annual meeting, we want to explore how the various scientific disciplines hold together with both scientific and theological integrity. Our goal at this annual meeting is to explore this across the breadth of the …

40th Anniversary!

In Blogs, News by James Peterson

Forty years. A biblical generation. That is long enough to be clear that no one individual has carried the CSCA. The only persons that have been at the centre all the way through have been the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For our Lord’s calling, work, and encouragement we are thankful. To mark the occasion of our 40th anniversary, the CSCA Executive Council has produced a special newsletter. As we reflect in this newsletter on those forty years, we have the privilege of hearing from Dan Osmond, one of our three signing founders. He served ably on the Council for over thirty years. In his …

Peter Kirkby Memorial Medal for Outstanding Service to Canadian Physics awarded to CSCA member David Chettle

In News by Arnold Sikkema

The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) are pleased to announce that the 2013 CAP-COMP Peter Kirkby Memorial Medal for Outstanding Service to Canadian Physics is awarded to David Chettle, McMaster University, for his dedicated service to the Canadian physics community which has strengthened and raised the profile of physics as a profession. He has enthusiastically mentored a generation of medical, health and radiation physics students and has made physics an attractive career option for many. His development, maintenance and expansion of vital multi-disciplinary programs and infrastructure raised the profile of Canadian physics …

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A Manual for Leading a Research Group

In Blogs, News by Arnold Sikkema

In September 2012, James Peterson hosted a CSCA student and faculty reception at McMaster that was centred on a discussion of the article “What I Wish My Pastor Knew About…The Life of a Scientist”, by Andy Crouch. At one point, Andy Crouch writes, “With the collaborative practice of science come the joys as well as the challenges of managing many people’s priorities, expectations, egos, abilities, and limitations” (page 4, column 2). This reminded me of my long held opinion that Paul wrote the best manual for leading a research group, that is 1 Corinthians 12. Paraphrasing: “A research group should …

Building Local Networks

In News by Arnold Sikkema

Any organisation with an online presence benefits significantly from face-to-face networking among its members and holding local events. The same is true of the CSCA. We have members spread widely across Canada, working in public and Christian higher education as well as in industry, medicine, government, and other contexts. As the summer wraps up and we enter a new season of activity, whether it’s the new academic year 2012-13 or re-connecting with co-workers after some scattering for refreshment and rejuvenation of travel and family time, let us find ways to meet together for fellowship, scholarship, and encouragement as Christians in …

Welcome to the CSCA

In News by James Peterson

Welcome to the new website for the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation! After a lengthy consultation process with Harold Sikkema at nsitu, we present our new public face: advancing the work of Christians in science who work in a distinctly Canadian atmosphere. In this part of the world, the nuances we attend to are indeed of a particular flavour. It is our hope that we can grow together also through this online space. Let’s see what we can build! Our new logo and website reflect the always ongoing revitalisation of our vision and mission. We are excited for the new …