CATA 2019 Conference

In by Mark McEwan

Event Details

In conjunction with the Canadian-American Theological Association (CATA), Northeastern Seminary, the American Scientific Affiliation, and BioLogos, CSCA is co-sponsoring a conference on science and theology in fall 2019.


The call for papers deadline has been extended to June 30. See below.

Register Now

The official website for the conference is here; our website will not necessarily be as up-to-date as that site. Registration is now open here.

Since 2012, CATA has been holding regional theology conferences (usually in the Fall) in conjunction with a theological college or seminary in Canada or the United States.

The next regional CATA theology conference will be held on October 25-26, 2019 (Friday-Saturday) in conjunction with Northeastern Seminary, in Rochester, New York.

Our keynote speaker is Dr. William P. Brown, the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Dr. Brown is the author of numerous books, including The Ethos of the Cosmos: The Genesis of Moral Imagination in the Bible, The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder, and Wisdom’s Wonder: Character, Creation, and Crisis in the Bible’s Wisdom Literature.

Dr. Brown will give a public lecture on Friday evening, October 25th, on the topic of human evolution and the garden of Eden, entitled: “From Ardi to Adam: The Garden and Human Origins.” On Saturday, October 26th, Dr. Brown will give a lecture entitled: “Job, Astrobiology, and the Science of Awe.”

In line with the topic of Dr. Browns’s lecture, we invite submission of high quality papers on any topic related to the broad theme of “God’s Wisdom and the Wonder of Creation: Exploring the Intersection of Scripture, Theology, and the Sciences though papers falling outside this area will also be considered.

Tentative Conference Schedule

Friday, October 25, 2019
7:00 Registration & Reception
7:30 Lecture with William P. Brown: “From Ardi to Adam: The Garden and Human Origins”

Saturday, October 26, 2019
8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome & Opening Liturgy
8:50 Lecture with William P. Brown: “Job, Astrobiology, and the Science of Awe”
10:00 Break
10:15 Set 1 Concurrent Paper Presentations
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 Set 2 Concurrent Paper Presentations
2:45 Set 3 Concurrent Paper Presentations
4:30 Award Presentation & Closing Liturgy
5:00 Departure


Below is the text of the call for papers; a PDF is here.

“God’s Wisdom and the Wonder of Creation: Exploring the Intersection of Scripture, Theology, and the Sciences” –  October 25–26, 2019

The faculty and administration of Northeastern Seminary (in conjunction with the Canadian-American Theological Association, the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, the American Scientific Affiliation, and BioLogos) welcome proposals for papers to be presented at an interdisciplinary conference at Northeastern Seminary in Rochester, NY. This Call for Papers goes out to established scholars or practitioners in the theological and scientific disciplines, as well as to graduate students, post-docs, and pre-tenured faculty.

Our keynote speaker is Dr. William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary. Dr. Brown is the author of numerous books, including The Ethos of the Cosmos: The Genesis of Moral Imagination in the Bible (Eerdmans, 1999); The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder (Oxford University Press, 2010); and Wisdom’s Wonder: Character, Creation, and Crisis in the Bible’s Wisdom Literature (Eerdmans, 2014).

In line with the topic of Dr. Brown’s lectures, we invite submission of high quality papers on any topic related to the broad theme of “God’s Wisdom and the Wonder of Creation: Exploring the Intersection of Scripture, Theology, and the Sciences.” We welcome papers from the theological or the scientific side, especially those that explore intersections of a biblical vision with issues in science. Papers should be scholarly but not highly specialized presentations of about 25 minutes, aimed at an audience of students, pastors, and faculty from across the spectrum of theological and scientific disciplines.

Proposals should be approximately 250 words in length. Please prepare them for blind review and submit as an email attachment, accompanied by a short curriculum vitae or resume in a separate file. To facilitate anonymous review of proposals, please include your name, institutional affiliation, contact information, and the title of your proposal in the body of your email. All proposals should be submitted electronically as file attachments in *DOC, *ODT, or *RTF format to the address below. Please title your email “God’s Wisdom and the Wonder of Creation.”

Please email conference paper proposals to J. Richard Middleton at [email protected] by June 30, 2019. Papers chosen for participation will be notified by mid July 2019. Graduate students, post-docs, and pre-tenured faculty are invited to submit finished papers that address biblical interpretation by September 15 for the Jack and Phyllis Middleton Award for Excellence in Bible and Theology (further information about the Award will be sent upon request).