Climate Justice at The King’s University

In by Arnold SikkemaLeave a Comment

Event Details

The CSCA recommends that folks in Edmonton take this excellent opportunity to attend this free conference on climate change and justice:

Change Is in the Air: From Climate Chaos to Climate Justice

Wednesday, Jan 20 – Thursday Jan 21, 2016
The King’s University
Event Details | Parking Information

For Christians, the question of climate change is more than a practical matter: it also raises questions about our duty toward God as stewards of Creation and about love and justice toward our neighbours. To address these matters and more, the King’s University welcomes Katharine Hayhoe, Michael Northcott and a number of others to their campus this week in a free conference open to the public!

There will be a panel discussion in addition to five keynote addresses:

  • “Climate Change: Fact, Fictions, and our Faith,” with Katharine Hayhoe
  • “Changing the Climate: A Moral and Spiritual Crisis,” with Michael S. Northcott
  • “Climate Change: An Opportunity to Love,” with Katharine Hayhoe
  • “Climate Change: The Challenge for Canada,” with Linda Duncan, MP
  • “Changing the Climate: A Social and Political Crisis,” with Michael S. Northcott

For more specific details and lecture times, please see the official event page.

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