Jaeger online in Montreal, “Science and Theology as Gifts to the Church”

In by Mark McEwan

Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: CSCA’s Montreal chapter presents an online lecture with Lydia Jaeger (Nogent Bible Institute ).

Online Lecture

Lydia Jaeger
"Science and Theology as Gifts to the Church: How Creation Allows Scientists and Theologians to Work Together"

Saturday | 1:00 pm EDT | Zoom

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Science and Theology as Gifts to the Church: How Creation Allows Scientists and Theologians to Work Together

In contrast to the common practice, which separates science and theology, this talk takes the doctrine of creation as the key to map out fruitful interactions between science and theology. In particular, it asks how theologians – and the wider church – can benefit from science and what scientists can learn from theology for their professional work. Such an integrated view enables us to understand science as a gift to the church and also to consciously take advantage of theological resources in scientific practice. Although the talk mainly uses creation as the lens through which to address these questions, it also hints at contributions which the doctrines of sin and redemption offer.

After completing postgraduate studies in physics and mathematics at the University of Cologne (Germany) and in theology at the Seminary for Evangelical Theology in Vaux-sur-Seine (France), Lydia Jaeger obtained her Ph.D. in philosophy at the Sorbonne on the possible links between the concept of law of nature and religious presuppositions. She holds a permanent lectureship and is academic dean at the Institut Biblique de Nogent-sur-Marne (France). She is a research associate of St. Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge, a Faraday Associate of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and a KLC Research Fellow at the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology (all based in Cambridge, UK). Lydia Jaeger is the author of seven books and numerous articles on the relation between Christianity and the natural sciences. She has edited (or co-edited) eight collective volumes; the most recent one is Lire la Bible aujourd’hui: Perspectives croisées sur les défis contemporains (Bibli’O, 2022 – the English translation is scheduled with Zondervan Academic in 2024).

Website: http://ljaeger.ibnogent.org.