Andrew Sebestyen, Environmental Manager, U.S. Steel Canada
Public lecture and discussion with Andrew Sebestyen, Environmental Manager, U.S. Steel Canada
SUMMARY: The workplace is a place for business or commerce, a place where goods are manufactured or services provided. A business is in existence to make a profit for either its owners or its shareholders. If the business does not make a profit, it has no reason for existing. It will either cease operation or restructure to make itself profitable. There are many factors that go into making a business profitable. Very simply, it is income vs. expenses, but there are many underlying factors that influence the income side of the equation: research and development, marketing, production and the workforce. On the surface, it is dependent on science, engineering and economics. Is Faith one of the factors in a successful workplace? Does it even exist in the workplace, and if it does, how does Faith manifest itself there? These questions will be explored.
BIO: Andy began his career at McMaster University’s Occupational Health Program teaching industrial hygiene and coordinating an epidemiological study in the mining industry on the inhalation of silica dust and the development of the respiratory disease silicosis. He has published several papers on this topic. In 1990, he moved to industry as a Manager of Industrial Hygiene, then into the field of Environmental Management at Stelco (now U. S. Steel Canada) while continuing his association and teaching at McMaster’s Occupational Health Program. He has written many articles for magazines and journals in the field of occupational health and the environment. He also teaches Environmental Control for McMaster’s Department of Engineering Cokemaking course. Andy is an elder at the South Gate Presbyterian Church in Hamilton where his wife, Charmain, is the minister.
LOCATION: University Club Lower Dining Room (Alumni Memorial Building) McMaster University. Please note: the 4:15 start allows for the reduced campus parking rates which commence at 4:00 pm.
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For more information, contact:
- Dr. Donald McNally, CSCA Executive Director, 905.570.3006 or [email protected]
- Dr. Michael D. Fallon [email protected], Christian Reformed Campus Ministry, 905.525.9140 x24123
Made possible by a grant from the Metanexus Institute.