Venema at TWU, Surveying the Origins Landscape

In by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

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TWU Faith & Science Club and the CSCA present a free, public lecture by Dennis Venema (Ph.D. Biology).

Surveying the Origins Landscape: What Do Evangelicals Think about Evolution?

Location: Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University

ABSTRACT: From Young-Earth Creationism, to Old-Earth Creationism, to positions that accept mainstream evolutionary biology, evangelical Christians take a wide range of positions on origins. This talk will explore that diversity and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each position. Where do you fit on the origins spectrum? Can these positions co-exist peacefully? Come and find out.

IMGP9728Dr. Dennis R. Venema is professor of Biology at Trinity Western University and Fellow of Biology for the BioLogos Foundation. He is author, along with theologian Scot McKnight, of Adam and the Genome: Reading Scripture After Genetic Science (Brazos, 2017).


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