E. Janet Warren, Book launch: All Things Wise and Wonderful

In by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

Event Details

FREE PUBLIC EVENT: CSCA’s Waterloo and Hamilton chapters present an online book launch with CSCA Past-President E. Janet Warren (MD, PhD).

Online Lecture

E. Janet Warren
"Book launch: All Things Wise and Wonderful"

Wednesday | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST | Zoom Webinar

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Book launch: All Things Wise and Wonderful

Among other things, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in much confusion and uncertainty—perhaps more so for Christians, who wonder about God’s purpose and action in it. But no one likes uncertainty. We like knowledge and control, and simple cause-and-effect explanations. There’s a mismatch between the way the world is (science tells us it’s complex), the way God interacts with it (also complex), and the way our mind-brains perceive it (not complex).

This illustrated, interactive, and interdisciplinary presentation is based on Janet’s recently published book, All Things Wise and Wonderful. It will help us better understand how and why things happen in the world, and perhaps help us become more faithful stewards of creation.

E. Janet Warren is an interdisciplinary scholar whose vocations include theology, family medicine, and psychotherapy. She is past president of the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation and a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation. 


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