Wilkinson at Regent, on God and the Universe

In by Mark McEwanLeave a Comment

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CSCA folks in the Vancouver area may be interested to attend this public lecture at Regent College by Loren Wilkinson, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Philosophy (Regent College).

“The Singular Universe and the Triune God”

Location: Regent College Chapel

Our emerging understanding of the universe can be a challenge to both atheists and believers. It is a challenge to atheists, because the universe, and our consciousness of it, looks all the time less like an accident and more like a miracle. It is a challenge to believers, because we have a
growing understanding–from “the big bang” of the cosmic beginning, to the emergence of life, to the working of our own brain–of aspects of creation we used to attribute to the direct action of God. Perhaps both challenges result from an insufficiently trinitarian understanding of the loving God, whose character as Creator is most clearly made known in the incarnation, cross, and resurrection. Such an understanding would have profound implications for our own actions toward God, each other, and the created world. (Source)

SPEAKER: Loren Wilkinson, professor of philosophy and interdisciplinary studies, has recently retired from Regent College, where he has taught since 1981. Loren continues to write and teach on the relationship of Christian theology to the arts, to science, and to human use of the earth—all topics dealing with the three-way relationship between Creation, the Creator, and the Creator’s human image-bearers. (Source)




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