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Tom McLeish Visits BC’s Lower Mainland

In News by Mark McEwan

Our CSCA Vancouver chapter is very pleased to have Dr. Tom McLeish of Durham University, UK visit us this fall! From October 31 to Nov 3, Tom will be giving a number of public talks in BC’s Lower Mainland (details below). Tom McLeish is Professor of Physics at Durham University and also chairs the Royal Society’s education committee. After a first degree in physics and PhD (1987) in polymer physics at Cambridge University, a lectureship at Sheffield University, in complex fluid physics, lead to a chair at Leeds University from 1993. McLeish takes a fresh approach to the science and religion debate, taking …

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CSCA Featured in Faith Today

In Local Chapters Project, News by Mark McEwan

Our Local Chapters Project is featured in the September/October issue of Faith Today, Canada’s Christian Magazine (page 11). Read the online article at this link. As it turns out, our Project is actually on-track to start eight additional chapters (two more than the article mentions). We at CSCA are very excited about such a great start. Stay tuned for more updates, as we will soon release more details, including the personal reflections of our 2016 scholarship winners.

CSCA President Gives National Lecture Tour

In Press Releases by Mark McEwan

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CSCA President Gives National Lecture Tour July 6, 2016 Conversations on science and faith, as well as debates and internet trolling, are often found in our national and local media. The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation (CSCA) seeks to bring such conversations to a more fruitful level. Many Canadian scientists, working in government laboratories, public and private universities, industry, and medicine are Bible-believing Christians and participate fully in the international scientific community. The CSCA announces our national lecture tour beginning in Toronto on Tuesday, July 12, and continuing through November. This multi-city tour will feature CSCA’s …

Local Chapters Project Newsletter: June 2016

In Local Chapters Project, News by Mark McEwan

In the early months of this year, our Local Chapters Project Team (your Executive Council) hit the ground running on a number of different fronts. Find out more in our June 2016 Newsletter: Click here: Continue reading our Local Chapters Project Newsletter (June 2016).

Starting Your Local Chapter

In Local Chapters Project, News by Mark McEwan

CSCA members will recall our earlier announcement of our Local Chapters Project, funded by a grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc. By now many of you have heard about our new Local Chapters Project, funded by a grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc. With this funding, we are able to start at least six additional chapters in locations across Canada! This will help you to fund local events and join the conversation that is taking place in existing active local chapters like Hamilton and Vancouver.Local chapters will allow the CSCA to develop strong and colourful local identities …

Think Write Publish: Science & Religion

In Calls for Submissions by Mark McEwan

CSCA folks may be interested to take advantage of this unique opportunity to participate in a writing fellowship focusing on non-fictional narratives that emphasize the compatibility of science and religion. Communicating Harmonies Between Science & Religion Using Narrative Nonfiction—Through an Innovative, Collaborative Thinking and Writing Program This is a call for applicants to our flagship program–12, two-year, non-residential narrative writing Fellowships. Fellows will receive travel to 3 all-expense-paid writing workshops around the nation, dedicated mentors and editorial support, exposure of their work at 5 events at science museums in the US and Canada, publishing opportunities, and a $10,000 honorarium.   Recipients …

Call for Papers: Atheism and the Christian Faith

In Calls for Submissions by Mark McEwan

The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith has put out a call for papers for their upcoming conference on Atheism and the Christian Faith in Edmonton, Alberta. ATHEISM AND THE CHRISTIAN FAITH May 6-7, 2016 Papers and Presentations along the lines of the theme of Atheism and the Christian Faith may be approached interdisciplinarily from the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Formal Sciences and from the subdisciplines of philosophy, theology, apologetics, psychology, sociology, history, culture, art and ethics, etc. There is a broad range of possible topics with some overlap. This list is neither exhaustive nor intended to …

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PSCF, March 2016: Canadian Contributions

In News, Resources by Mark McEwan

The March 2016 issue of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the ASA and CSCA, is now available for members. As is often the case, there are a good number of Canadian contributions to this issue, which we highlight below. If you are not yet a member of CSCA, the journal may be available in an academic library near you. Canadian Contributions to PSCF 68, no. 1 (March 2016) CSCA Past President and PSCF Editor James C. Peterson opens the issue with “The Science and Theology of Creation and Sin,” a brief editorial introducing the theme of …

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Introducing Our New Student and Early Career Member

In News by Mark McEwan

The CSCA warmly welcomes our recently appointed New Student and Early Career Member, Daniel Rudisill! Rev. Dan Rudisill hails from Pennsylvania, and came with his wife Hannah to Canada so he could work towards his PhD in Philosophy at the Institute of Christian Studies in Toronto. Dan received his M.A.R. from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in Systematic Theology & Ethics. He has a deep interest in the history of science and the so-called “science-religion debate,” which has guided his work from his undergraduate days at Messiah College through to his current doctoral research, which is focused on the philosophical …

Call for Papers: Sustainable Development and Human Flourishing

In Calls for Submissions, News by Mark McEwan

The Christian Journal for Global Health has issued a call for papers on Sustainable Development and Human Flourishing for the 30th annual Christian Connections for International Health conference (June 17-19, 2016 at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, USA). Sustainable Development and Human Flourishing The public sector is increasingly recognizing the key role of religious health assets in sustaining progress in development.  Community health workers are increasingly recognized as a vital element in health service equity and education.  Christian churches and faith-based organizations are in a unique position to participate in conversations at the local, regional and international level on what …