Call for Papers: Atheism and the Christian Faith

In Calls for Submissions by Mark McEwan

The Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith has put out a call for papers for their upcoming conference on Atheism and the Christian Faith in Edmonton, Alberta. ATHEISM AND THE CHRISTIAN FAITH May 6-7, 2016 Papers and Presentations along the lines of the theme of Atheism and the Christian Faith may be approached interdisciplinarily from the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Formal Sciences and from the subdisciplines of philosophy, theology, apologetics, psychology, sociology, history, culture, art and ethics, etc. There is a broad range of possible topics with some overlap. This list is neither exhaustive nor intended to …

Call for Papers: Sustainable Development and Human Flourishing

In Calls for Submissions, News by Mark McEwan

The Christian Journal for Global Health has issued a call for papers on Sustainable Development and Human Flourishing for the 30th annual Christian Connections for International Health conference (June 17-19, 2016 at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, USA). Sustainable Development and Human Flourishing The public sector is increasingly recognizing the key role of religious health assets in sustaining progress in development.  Community health workers are increasingly recognized as a vital element in health service equity and education.  Christian churches and faith-based organizations are in a unique position to participate in conversations at the local, regional and international level on what …

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Cognitive Science of Religion and Christian Faith

In Calls for Submissions, News by James Peterson

Justin L. Barrett is the Thrive Professor of Developmental Science in the Graduate School of Psychology, and Chief Project Developer for the Office of Science, Theology, and Religion Initiatives at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. A cognitive and developmental psychologist (Ph.D., Cornell University), his books include Why Would Anyone Believe in God? (2004), Cognitive Science, Religion, and Theology: From Human Minds to Divine Minds (2011), and Born Believers: The Science of Childhood Religion (2012). Barrett describes for us here the latest developments and challenges in the cognitive sciences for Christian faith. The essay is intended as an invitation. Readers are …

Call for Papers: Didaskalia

In Calls for Submissions, News by Arnold Sikkema

Dear fellow CSCA members, In addition to serving as the Coordinating Book Review Editor of PSCF, I also serve as the Editor of Didaskalia, which is the peer reviewed theological journal of Providence University College and Theological Seminary. The theme for our Spring 2016 issue is something that I believe will be of interest to you, namely Christ Centered Education. We are inviting essays that address the question: What does it mean to be a Christian scholar and teacher? We are anticipating a variety of perspectives on this, as contributors reflect contextually (i.e., within their own field, discipline, setting/type of institution, …

ASA’s 75th Anniversary

In Calls for Submissions, News by James Peterson

In 1941, before the United States entered WWII, before antibiotics or AIDS, before nuclear power or bombs, before computers or even transistors… five scientists gathered in Chicago to start the American Scientific Affiliation. Now 75 years later in 2016, PSCF will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of ASA with a theme issue dedicated to the history of ASA. Such reflection may offer insights to orient and inform how we understand our present, and thoughtfully develop from here. Chris Rios is an assistant dean for graduate studies at Baylor University. He wrote most recently After the Monkey Trial: Evangelical …

The Image of God and Lab Rats

In Calls for Submissions by James Peterson

Animals are more like human beings than any other part of creation, yet human beings are described uniquely as being in God’s image. What are the implications of such similarity and difference for lab rats, pets, hunting, factory farming, vegetarianism…? In this essay, Keri McFarlane asks how animals are distinct from humans. Do animals possess rationality and the capacity for consciousness? Should animals have rights? And then begins to explore the practical implications. Her essay is not intended as an exhaustive discussion, but rather as an invitation to engage some of the essential questions. Readers are encouraged to take up …

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The Matter of Mathematics

In Calls for Submissions by James Peterson

Russell Howell has co-authored the textbook Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering which is in its sixth edition, and is the co-editor of the HarperOne book Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith. His essay here describes the latest challenges for mathematics and Christian faith. The essay is intended as an invitation. Readers are encouraged to take up one of the insights or challenges, or maybe a related one that was not mentioned, and draft an article (typically about 5,000-8,000 words) that contributes to the conversation. These can be sent to Dr. Howell. He will send the best essays on to peer …

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From Cosmos to Psyche: Call for Abstracts

In Calls for Submissions, News by Arnold Sikkema

Please visit the main conference website for information and registration. (The call for abstracts was closed at the end of February.) ASA CSCA CiS 2014 Annual Meeting McMaster University, Hamilton, ON July 25–28, 2014 A Message from Program Chair Robert Mann “All things hold together in Christ” is a phrase that speaks to the integration of God’s love, justice, and intelligibility in the person of Jesus. At this annual meeting, we want to explore how the various scientific disciplines hold together with both scientific and theological integrity. Our goal at this annual meeting is to explore this across the breadth of the …

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New Findings in Environmental Science and Their Implications for Christians

In Calls for Submissions by James Peterson

Science is constantly moving. Dr. Dorothy Boorse, professor and chair of biology at Gordon College and co-author of the textbook Environmental Science now in its 12th edition, has written an intriguing description of the latest developments in environmental science along with insights and challenges it raises for Christian faith. The essay is provided here and is intended as an invitation. Readers are encouraged to take up one of the insights or challenges, or maybe a related one that was not mentioned, and draft an article (typically about 5,000-8,000 words) that contributes to the conversation. These can be sent to Dr. …

Psychology at the Theological Frontiers

In Calls for Submissions by James Peterson

Science is constantly moving. Dr. Heather Looy, professor of psychology at The King’s University College, has written an intriguing description of the latest developments in psychology with insights and challenges that they may raise for Christian faith. The essay is provided here and is intended as an invitation. Readers are encouraged to take up one of the insights or challenges, or maybe a related one that was not mentioned, and draft an article (typically about 5,000 words) that contributes to the conversation. These can be sent to Dr. Looy at [email protected]. She will send the best essays on to peer …